Chapter 2: Awakened

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hey i'm back and ready for another story.

Edit: So if some of you remember the pics here well i'm moving it to another chap. with other characters bedrooms,k. enjoy the chap.


Reader's (1st)P.O.V 'in your mind/dream'

       Hmm? Where am I? The last thing that I remember was me being too tired and someone running into the cave. The rest is just a blur. I feel cold and it's really dark and quite. Is this what death feels like? Am I dying? Maybe I should just except it...Hmm? I hear shuffling. Someone's picking me up?

       "je-..,kid how....-g have here?"

       I hear a voice well a little bit? But how...aren't I dying? Maybe it's just a memory. But I don't know who's voice is this. Whoever they are they cold but warmer at the same time. Why do I feel warm now?

       "The-... That sh-..ld keep y-.. warm fo- a-..ile." Are they keeping me warm...why? They're just wasting their time. Hmm are they leaving? "stay p-.., I'm ..-ing to se- ...ething for a moment. a'ight?" I feel their hand on my cheek and the smiled. Maybe I not dying after all.

~few minutes later(your now awake)~

      "mmm" I slurred, starting to wake up. I got up from my be-...wait. I sat up quickly."I can't be in my bed. I was in the forest just a few minutes ago!" I exclaimed. I then remembered the voice. They must have taken me back to their home. I sighed then looked around my surroundings. 

       The room had icy blue lights with jet black walls and there was a hole next to door which I assumed to be the bathroom. It seems as if the portal like hole takes you to the room next door. The bed I was laying on is very comfy with sheets of blue. In the bed had a stuffed penguin and wolf plushy. I looked up from the room and saw another floor board that took you to...well I don't really know where it will take you and I'm not going to risk it. I looked around a little more and noticed the door knob jiggle. I froze. The door opened slowly and a man who had a blue coat/sweater(i don't know)and a mask with a red painted smile came in the room. He stopped when he saw me awake. 'Was he the one that took me here?' I questioned

       "Your awake." he said. I just stared at him. I didn't know what to do at this point. "Are you alright? Diana found you in cave while it was raining. Do you mind telling me why you where there in the first place?" I looked down and nodded. "Hmm. Well I suppose you wouldn't tell me right away. You did just met me." he chuckled. Then there was silence. It was very awkward so I decided to break it.

       "Umm...W-what's your n-name. M-my name i-is (y/n)." I stuttered.

       He stayed silent for a moment then said "Call me Painter, alright?" 'Painter?' I tilted my head but nodded in agreement. "Good. Anyways, you hungry?" I was about to decline, but then my stomach started to growl. I blushed in embarrassment then nodded. He chuckled, "Come on let's go find you something to eat."

       I got off the bed and rushed towards Painter side and started walking. While walking I noticed that this place is huge it was like a mansion(little did you know it was)! There were a lot of doors on the side with different door colors. The room that we came out of had a black colored door with small space designs. The one next to it was a light green color with a bit of wire designs. Another was just a normal looking brown door with words written on it. The words read "Yue, Yumi, and Sally 's room. Knock before entering."

      'I wonder who they are?' I thought.

       After a while of walking I wanted to ask Painter where we were going but I was just shy so I just looked back down and kept walking. Once we stepped into what seemed like a kitchen, there was a smell so good my mouth started to water. Painter chuckled a bit but I didn't noticed. All I cared about was the food. I looked around the kitchen only to see someone cooking. He looked really strange. I couldn't see his face but he had gray skin with black hair and he was wearing black and gray clothes. I wonder whats his name.

Delicate Marionette(Bloody Painter x Reader x Puppeteer)Where stories live. Discover now