Sherlock x reader kinda idk

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I moved this story to this book instead of having an actual book cause I don't think I'm gonna write anymore Sherlock one shots unless I just have like a spark of creativity (which is like never lmao)

Y/N - your name
H/L - hair length
H/C - hair color

You and Sherlock were standing in front of the bathroom mirror, getting ready before the guests arrived. "Remember not to deduce anything out loud" you told him as you brushed through your H/L H/C hair. "I won't..." he mumbled back, annoyed. You told him that every time your parents invited friends over, and he thought it was getting quite old, but if you didn't tell him he would deduce everything about them(much to their discomfort and/or horror)

You noticed he was fumbling with the tie, getting nowhere. You turned and quickly fixed it before turning back to the mirror. "Thanks" he said. "Welcome" you replied as you set your brush down.

"Ready?" You asked and he nodded. "Now remember-" he cut you off with a loud sigh. "I won't deduce them out loud!" He smirked. "But we're gonna have to talk about them afterwards" you rolled your eyes and tried to act annoyed but you couldn't help but smile. "Alright..." you said as you both exited the bathroom.

Mycroft was already at the door, greeting the guests. Sherlock shook his head lightly at the sight of his brother.

You both walked down the hallway and up to the door, Mycroft walking past you to the kitchen. "Hello! You must be Y/N! I'm Ellen" The lady chirped. You smiled. "Yes" you nodded and took her outstretched hand.

You turned and saw Sherlock shaking the hand of a man, which you could tell was the woman's husband. Sherlock looked a bit uncomfortable, he wasn't good around other people. You and Sherlock switched, shuffling past each other. "Y/N right? The names Henry" you shook his hand and were overwhelmed by the strong smell of cigarette smoke. You nodded and smiled, trying not to breathe in too much.

You and Sherlock quickly scurried off to the kitchen. "She's cheating on him" Sherlock quickly whispered in your ear and you smirked, knowing he wouldn't be able to say nothing the whole night. You both helped set the table before sitting down in your usual spots next to each other.

The adults(and Mycroft) talked all through dinner. You two being the youngest(Sherlock was only 11 and you were 10) you didn't talk much, unless Henry or Ellen asked you a question.

Dinner went on for at least 2 and a half hours, which was agonizingly long for a kid like you. You were very bored, the only exciting thing was when Sherlock would whisper a deduction he had made every so often.

After what seemed like years, dinner was finally over, and the 'little kids' had to go off to bed. You and Sherlock said your quick goodnights before running off to your shared room.

You two quickly changed into your pajamas before hopping into bed. Your beds were across the room, but luckily the room wasn't to big, so you were able to whisper and still hear each other.

"So" you began, making sure to keep your voice fairly quiet. "What do you deduce about them?" You asked eagerly.

You could deduce people too, so you knew a lot about them, but you enjoyed listening to Sherlock explain everything to you. He was much better at it anyway.

"Well, she's definitely cheating on him" he began excitedly. "He's cheating on her too though. He's a heavy smoker and drinker, while she isn't. She didn't smell as strongly as he did. She's very fake as well. Her smile and happiness was very fake, she didn't want to be here. He was delighted to be here, he doesn't leave the house often, judging by the way he was dressed. She's going to suggest to leave but he's going to refuse and they will be here longer than she wanted. He's probably going to get drunk and she'll have to carry him out to the car" you laughed quietly at the thought.

"Anything else?" You asked.

"Yes, she kept pulling her phone out of her purse? She kept getting texts from her secret lover, that's why she covered it with her hand... but he was too busy laughing and have a good time to notice" you laughed. Sherlock smiled, glad that he made you happy. He know how much you hated when your parents invited friends over. "This the only good part about having guests" you laughed.

"Goodnight Sherlock" you mumbled out tiredly.

"Goodnight Y/N" he replied before you both fell asleep, trying to block out the talking coming from the dining room.


It's probably not very accurate to what would happen but I like the idea so I wrote it

And sorry cause my writing sucks ass 😂

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