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Everyone is broken

we spend our lives

filling the cracks

with whatever

we can find.


"Out with it boy."

"I really like Harley but I don't know how to tell her." he let out a big breath like a giant weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

"Oh my god finally!! its about time you finally admitted it."

"What do you mean??"

"I've seen the way you look at her and the cheesy grin you have on our face when she sits by you."

he blushed a little and said, "How do I tell her...I don't even think she-"

"Don't even say that. That girl talks about you every minute she can."

"She does?"


"Ok I ask her on a date or something?"

"Yes bring her flowers too. Orange and white tulips are her favourite. And ask her to go to the movies or to McDonalds. She doesn't like fancy places."

"Ok Orang movies, white tulips, and McDonalds flowers....wait... Movies. Orange and white tulips. McDonalds. Got it."

We walked into the classroom last and sat in the two empty seat. The teacher gave us a short intro then we started class.

After class Nathan traded with Drea and handed me over in return for Hayden.

Drea and I walked to class and she said, "Luckily we didn't talk about the ocean guy. It was like the talking came out of me like it was normal."

I smiled a giant grin, "Great what's next??"

"Well he's going to take me roller blading. then we are going to eat at a little café he knows."


"On Saturday."

"That is so great!!"

We walked into class and went back to work on our art.

I dont know how we would have had a conversation the last time because we both drown everything out when we are working.

We found that out when Mr. Mack was shaking our shoulders trying to get our attention.

We looked up to see half the class gone and Mr. Mack standing between us looking in our eyes.

"You guys are the most zoned in students I have. The bell rang twenty minutes ago."

Its been that long?

"Oh well can we just finish these?"

My drawing was mostly done. I just needed to add shading around the tiger and the trees and detail the snakes eyes.

"Sure by all means. May I ask a question?"

I nodded and looked at him.

"Did you have any previous classes before this?"

I shook my head, "The school we went to before this didn't offer art. So we did all of our work at home."

"That's astonishing. Would you guys like to go to an art show with some of the class on the 2nd? We'll be given a tour and they are going to let us have a sketch off with other schools. So well have a chance to have our school art hung in there."

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