Chapter 13: Sickness

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"Kairi?!" Drake sits up quickly. He sighs. "...Kairi....Kairi, Kairi!" He jumps off from bed but falls if he puts any weight on his legs. "Agh! Damn it....what happen last- oh wait..the headache...a bad one."

Drake slowly gets up this time and Grayson walks in.

"Drake! Oh my gosh you're okay! Holy crap you scared me last night!" Grayson hugs him tight.

"Hey it's okay bro, I'm fine.....I just really want to see Kairi." Drake pushes Grayson away and he tries to find some shoes.

"Wait what?! Drake you just got on your feet. Do you really want to take the chance?" Grayson said.

"Okay first of all you're beginning to sound like mom, second wouldn't you do the same for Katie?"

"Hey! Don't bring her into this! This is different Drake!"

"How is this different Grayson?! I'm in love with Kairi ever since 6th grade! I'm not going to lose her!" Drake puts on some shoes.

"Well what if she loses you......think about that!"

"Grayson don't do the what if's!" Drake stands up.

"What if you have the headache again in the middle of the street!?"

"Grayson back off!" Drake walks out of the room and Grayson follows him.

"What if that time at the beach was the last time you two ever saw each other!"

"I told you Grayson to knock it off!"

"What if she doesn't want to see you ever again-!" Drake grabs Grayson's collar and puts him to the edge of the stairs. "....and now you're going to hurt your own brother for the one you love the most?"

Drake realizes what he is doing so Grayson steps away from the stairs.
"Drake....I know you love Kairi but..."

"I understand but can we check on her if she's ok? Please?" Drake looks at Grayson.

"Of course."


Kairi puts on a sweater that hides her wings really well, she and her father went to the local library.
"Ok Kairi, this library is filled with the history and myths of this town. Try to find anything about Sister Moon or humans with wings or whatever you can find." He said.
"Thanks dad. I'm glad you understand my case right now." Kairi said hugging him.
"Of course sweetheart." He hugs back and Kairi went deep into the library.
Kairi starts in the S section. "Let's see here.....sister hood, sister love ah! Sister moon!" Kairi gets the book and opens it.

Sister Moon- daughter of Queen Mother Moon and King Father Darkness. Sister Moon was next to take her Mother's position to rule the Silver Kingdom until-
Kairi gets her phone and she sees Grayson's text.

Grayson~ Kairi?

Sh*t sh*t sh*t damn it what do I do?! Kairi hesitantly texts back.

Kairi~ Hey Grayson...

Grayson~ Hi Kairi, just texting if your doing ok....are you?

"Damn what do I say?" Kairi said feeling her wings twitched.

Kairi~ No not really I have a high fever and I threw up twice. My dad says I got food poisoned from the arcade place.

Grayson~ Oh well I can send my mom to check on you

"Damn it, I forgot their parents work at the hospital!" Kairi raised her voice.
"Shush Kairi!" The librarian whisper yelled.
"Sorry Mrs. Jones..." Kairi whispers.

Kairi~ No thanks, I just need rest

Grayson~ Do you think you can get better until the school celebration dance?

"Crap the dance....I forgot about that." She mumbles.

Kairi~ Probably not....sorry

Grayson~ It's okay.

Kairi~ Grayson

Grayson~ Yeah?

Kairi~ Tell Drake I still love him.

Grayson~ Ok I'll make sure to tell him

Kairi~ Thank you

Kairi sighs. "Well got that over with."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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