That New Student : swords of ice

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a voice softly called.


another call...

He grunted, "five more minutes." softly mutters through his sleepiness, he tried to ignore whoever it was.


a shook of his body, the young sky actually whined this time

"go away... I'm sleepy" I swat the hand away. He had thought that the person finally gave up and left him alone since he was greeted with silence.

But it seems like that's not the case.

"SAWADA TSUNAYOSHI, WAKE UP!!!" And with that shout right to his ear, the poor brunet instantly awake with a jolt.

"I'm up! I'm up! Don't shoot me, Reborn!" He ranted, still half conscious. 

Blinking his sleepiness away as he take a look of his surrounding, it took him a second to realized where he's at. "Hm? why am I at class? and... Ie-kun? what are you d—" 

Brown orbs rounded widely, the memory crashed. And so he turned to the the younger, "Ie-kun! are you alright? what was that before? what's with those frost???" Barrage of questions he asked while gripping the other's shoulders, shaking him in confusion.

"I-I'm fine, now could you please stop digging your nail into my skin?" the boy said with a wince. 

Snapping out of his shock, Tsuna slowly backing away. "ah! s-sorry! I panicked..." He weakly reasoned rather sheepishly.

"It's okay." Ietsuna said, giving the older a lopsided smile of his own before continuing with a rather serious expression "Yoshi-kun, there's something important that I need to ask you..." he trailed.

"and what will that be?" Tsuna asked, a bit nervous with the sudden tension in the air.

"I'll just straight to the point then." The younger said, Voice getting lower and screams danger.

 "How did you know about 'flames'" 

Bloodlust, Tsuna finally sensed it. Therefore the sky narrowed his amber eyes himself.

"shouldn't I be the one who ask you?" Tone just as low, Boss aura is dripping off him, alerting the gloved boy. 

A split of second was all they need to realize that the brunet is dangerous. Ironically enough, they both thought at the same time as they leaped backwards. 

"so, it is true..."

"and so do you..."

Both instantly in battle stances, One with Pure sky flame on his forehead and fists, eyes flashing amber while the other has twin swords made of ice, his own normally pair of brown is now icy blue.

"are you here to after me?" 

Eeerie. They both asked the same question, at the same time, with the same voice. It's starting to creep them both.

"Why would I bother to get you? I don't even know you" Ietsuna finally admits, not knowing where is this going.

"Either do I..." Tsuna actually replied He couldn't detect any lie on those clouded eyes and instead, he sense fear.

Realizing what's going on after a while later, he deemed the boy safe as he slowly retreated. Getting out of Hyper Dying Will Mode as his posture relaxed. Well, that only confused the younger further. 

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