That New Student : meddling with colds

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Head's hurting, Face flustered red. He's panting and sweating a lot as the world seems to spin around him.

Yet Tsuna paid no mind to any of that. He doesn't care, all he wanted is to get this done as soon as possible. Therefore he sneaked out from his house, luckily without being spotted by his mom and the other house occupants.

Pulling his jacket close to himself, He hurriedly went to Hikage Residence, using the wall as walking support. On each of his steps, his dizziness worsen and his breath is uneven. Even so, he keeps moving forwards whilst holding onto the hope that he was right about the younger's condition from that last quick glance he had yesterday. Praying in his heart that somehow the said boy is in his house and not at school.

'I've got to hurry before Reborn and Tou-san gets home...' He thought as he fastens his pace.

Earlier today, he eavesdropped his mother talking to Bianchi that her husband— his father, Iemitsu, is coming home. Which means Reborn has succeeded on dragging the said man back to Japan like how they had planned. 

Well, it's not like he ever doubted the little hitman, he could even pull any impossible stunts and world wonders— him being an Arcobaleno already a score actually— so surely, bringing home that certain blond must be nothing but a breeze.

Knowing this, Tsuna too doesn't want to fail at his own task. He must bring Ietsuna to his home and tell him the whole truth. The truth that he knows that his father— if not both of his parents—hide from him.

From them.

Breathless, At last, he finally reached the front door. Without waiting for anything he immediately pushed the doorbell, leaning his weight to his left arm that currently holding onto the house pillar. Not so long then the door got opened, revealing Caelum's shocked face.

"Y-Yoshi-kun??? what happened to you?!" He just got home an hour ago, pretty shocked to see his adopted son lying helplessly on his bed. He had expected that Tsuna would pay a visit, but he did not expect him to come at this hour, looking in the exact state of his own son. Quite frankly, he hadn't been notified of his son's quarrel with the guardians.

The hacker didn't talk much as he rushed the brunet inside before he could collapse in front of his house.

"Caelum-san... I wish to meet Ie-kun, may I?" Tsuna asked, there's strain in his tone, the man wasn't sure that it was all due to his cold.

"Eum... of course, he's at his room, now. Gosh, Yoshi-kun. It's not just your face that's identical. Downright the fever as well? Damn, I would never understand how you two works. Well, I won't be that surprised if someday you'll end up telling me that you guys are actual brothers separated by birth~" Caelum teased but Tsuna only deepen his frown.

"Ie-kun has a cold too?" 

"uh huh... hence why he's not going to school" The man replied lightly before his smile dropped as he continues, "You know, Yoshi-kun? He seemed to be disturbed by something. I don't know what it is and he won't tell me either. So, could you do me a favor and ask about it? and if you can, helped him with what ever the matter is? I mean, it's you... you're the only person that he'll listen to after myself. So please?"

Tsuna hummed, "I'll see what I could do."

Satisfied by his answer, Caelum smiled. "Very well then, there he is." He said as he opened the door to Ietsuna's room. "I'll leave you guys alone now..." The don in training nodded.

"Oh, and one more thing, Yoshi-kun. He's a bit sluggish in this state, so speak slowly and be patient, ne?" 

"don't worry, I will..." with that the two were left alone.

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