Stampy: The First Book in Minecraft

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"Hello! This is Stampy and welcome to a minecraft lets play video, another video inside of Stampy'a Lovely World."

And that is the start of Stampy's Video every time you watch his Minecraft Lets Play.

Oh my! I forgot to Introduce myself! Hi every Stampy cat fans! I am one of you, I may not be the real Stampy, but I just want to share stories that I created and imagined in my imagination about  the Stampy Cat who maybe lost in his house :)   .

(So please keep in mind that No Offence To all of my jokes, I hope Stampy would read this :)   )

Okay. So the story begins.

Another day in his lovely world. He said his introduction and,

And I am going to be joined by....

L for lee and a Penguin!

Well he is joined by Rosie for a while, By the way! Now he went to his love garden. Oh wait, wait, wait! He hadn't ate his breakfast.

Lee, where, is my breakfast? 

*lee handing a porkchop*

Lee, stop messing with my breakfast. Where's my cake?

*Me giggling*

Oh there we have my cake. Num num num num! Stampy said.

Now not a minute to waste! Lets head over to the Love Garden

And now I am adding......

*everyone hopes for their gamertag ( taffymuffycupcake, TaffyMuffyCupcake)

well TaffyMuffyCupcake or just TaffyMuffy is my username.  Now I am hoping for my name.

Now I am adding Finball!

Well at least there is a chance were going to be added. 

Okay so let us now start the adventure.


So let's head over to hire another guard. said stampy

But as he saw his doghouse, he only saw 2 dogs, Duncan and Barnaby. He was disappointed yet, wondering where had the dogs go.

At least I hear Mittens meowing... Now Lee, can you help me on the ladder? Or does bodyguards do that?

But he just fell off. Then he went and gave Mittens a fish. Then he saw a weird splash on the sea near the balcony of Mittens.

Look its Squiddy! And he is holding a fish, how lovely! Stampy said.

Then he heard some barking after he went down the ladder. He heard sine barking noises, not whining, but its like happy dogs.

Is there dogs underground? Benton? Dogs?

He did not have any shovel so Lee handed it to him.

Lee, would you mind digging down with me? I hear some dogs underground.

Not long enough they saw glowstones, music discs in item frames, bones and a luxurious pond with chests with a sign telling that it either has bones or porkchop.

Woah! A dog party? Where's the cake? Stampy said happily.

Squid, instead of Lee handed a slippery cake with matching inksacks.

And Stampy place the cake in the large table.


Know more next time!

Stampy: The First Book in MinecraftWhere stories live. Discover now