Chapter 37: The Northern Border

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All around him, cherry blossoms fell like snow. Their soft petals brushing gently against the bare skin of his forearm, exposed by a rolled sleeve. Looking up, Einarr held out a hand and smiled slightly as a number of pale pink petals settled in his lifted palm.

The laughter of a child snatched his attention away from the petals in his palm. Dropping his hand, the petals fell gracefully, swept gently by the breeze that was passing through. Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Turning around he saw a child, a girl, running after a boy, who looked to be a little older than her. They paid no mind to the falling petals, their little feet barely touched the ground as they ran. Curious, Einarr followed them.

The children kept running until the form of a woman came into view. "Nana!" Both children ran eagerly towards her. The woman had her back to them and turned just in time; the children ran straight into her open arms.

"Why hello there," affection laced the woman's words and her smile was warmer than the spring sun.

Einarr was not sure what to make of the situation. The only other time he had seen a smile like that grace her features, was when he had seen it carved into the cold marble of a statue.

Releasing the children, the woman stood and smoothed the fabric of her light purple gown. Einarr's eyes widened when they landed on the round shape of her stomach. He swallowed hard as realisation slammed into him, she was with child.

"Where's Ada?" Her voice held the unfamilar note of affection and he briefly wandered why she was using the Elven parental terms.

"Right here my love."

Einarr felt a wave of nausea wash over him. That was his voice!

Unable, to move, Einarr watched as another version of himself approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Waking with a start, Einarr looked around and sighed heavily when reality came knocking, quite literally. The jailor came with a tray of food that consisted of a crust of bread and a pitcher of water.

Waiting until the jailor had left, Einarr sat in the dark with the dream running loops in his mind. It made no sense. Why her? It could have been anyone! Anyone at all.

~The Southern Border~

The snow swirled around her in hypnotic patterns. Her pale eyes followed one snowflake in particular and smiled slightly as she watched it land on her sleeve.

Taking a deep breath, the Queen turned to face the border. She could clearly see where her Kingdom began and the rest of the world ended. Curious, she stretched out a hand and watched as the snow on her sleeve melted almost instantly. Warmth from 'the other side' spread through her and she immediately retracted her hand and sighed happily when the cold took over once more.

Turning away from the world, she faced her realm and pride washed over her. Despite everything, she had prevailed, she had kept going. Spreading her arms, she twirled around and laughed like a child. Something she had not done for quite some time.

~The Dungeons~

She had not come down for quite some time now. Einarr did not know why this bothered him so much, why would she go out of her way to visit a prisoner anyway? She had a kingdom to run. She had better things to do.

He stood by his theory, despite everything she had said. If anything, her words cemented his decision. He had not known her 'before', but he was sure he had caught a glimpse of what she had been like, her rescue of him played on repeat in his mind, right alongside the dream. He did not understand what could possibly have happened to make her like she was now. He believed he knew who was responsible, he had heard stories and had seen for himself how protective she was of those four creatures. For him there was no other explanation. They had poisoned her and turned her into something nightmares were made of. Einarr firmly believed that if they ceased to exist, then their influence would no longer infect her mind and she would slowly revert back to who she had been.

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