Chapter 23: Pieces

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Blue had long been one of Sairene's favourite colours. Many of her gowns varied in different shades of the colour. Having received an invitation to dine with the King, Sairene had eventually decided on a dark blue gown with a black border. It was simple yet elegant.

Calling her maid an hour or so before sundown, Sairene selected the gown and laid it out on the bed. Upon hearing a short series of knocks, she allowed the maid to enter and draw her a bath.

The maid's eyes were instantly drawn to the gown on the bed. While it was simple in design, it was one of the most beautiful gowns the maid had ever seen. It was not the fabric that caught her attention, nor was it the colours. The borders were what fascinated her, sewn into the black fabric were tiny crystals that seemed to pulse ever so slightly.

Sairene watched the maid with a smile, "beautiful, are they not."

The maid nodded, "yes Your Majesty, if I may be so bold, what crystal is that?"

Moving to stand beside the maid, Sairene looked down at her chosen gown, "it is a special kind of diamond. I have as yet not been able to come up with a name for it."

Realisation slowly spread across the maid's features, "you made these?!"

The Queen nodded, smiling, "I did, yes."

The maid breathed a sigh of awe and wonder, "they are so beautiful. Are they difficult to create?"

Sairene shook her head, "not really, but it took me a while to make them the first time."

The maid nodded before remembering why she was there in the first place, "forgive me Your Majesty, I have overstepped my bounderies and have forgotten to draw your bath, I am so sorry." Without waiting for a reply, she dashed into the bathing room.

While the maid prepared the bath, Sairene gently skimmed the tips of her fingers across the tiny crystals and smiled to herself; she had almost brought the other dress.

The scent of roses notified the Queen that the bath was almost ready. Sure enough, a few moments later, the maid emerged, "your bath is drawn and waiting My Lady."

Nodding, Sairene dismissed the maid.

Stepping into the bath, Sairene sighed and let the warm rose-scented water do its work. Closing her eyes, she lent back and rested her head on the bath's edge. As the minutes passed, sleep began to creep up on the young Queen.

The sun had sunk below the horizon and the lamps had been lit around the palace. While Thranduil knew that to newcomers his palace seemed like a maze, he believed that Sairene would more or less know her way around by now. Both he and Legolas sat waiting in the royal dining room. Minutes ticked by and the King was becoming impatient. Legolas kept looking at the door, as though willing his cousin to materialise.

Waving a servant over, Thranduil sent them off to find out what had happened to his guest. She was not usually late.

Hurrying through the corridors, the servant headed towards the young monarch's chambers.

A sharp knock on the door startled Sairene. Her eyes flew open and she sat up straight, causing water to spill over the sides of the bath. Standing up, she stepped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around herself before padding out to the door, her wet hair leaving little puddles behind her.

The servant was equally startled when the door opened to reveal the King's guest, wearing nothing but a towel. Averting his eyes, he delivered the King's message.

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