Chapter 13: You're a bully!!!!!

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Ugh, I feel so weak and sore today. After ignoring my ringing Alarm five times. Nobody really respects a snoozing alarm after the main alarm has been rung to wake you up first.

What's today?  Monday???. 

Arrghh.  I can't get up.  Why is the weather so cold? .

"Ali, Ali? "

Who is calling me. Tayo?.  Why is he calling me this early?
"What does he want?."  Argghhh I tried raising my head but it felt heavy.  Maybe I should rest my eyes a little to gain some strength.

"ALI! " bursting into the room, I could only feel that he was annoyed since my eyes were still shut.  "What what what???. " my complain was barely heard. 

"What are you still doing in bed?" he questions moving to the window to open the curtains. "Don't. Don't open the windows it's really cold." I whine from under my covers. Why is he in my room sef?.

"Cold?  What do you mean? . The sun is up and pretty scorching. What are you still doing in bed? " he questions again, this time, close to the bed probably staring down at me.  "it's probably just past 6. Don't worry I wiiiiii soon get up and go to work.  Why are you still at home?  No shift today?" I breathe out, tossing to a more comfortable position on the bed.  My body is still aching.

"6 ???. I quickly took a break from my shift to come home and find you still in bed.  And it's 1pm in the afternoon, sleeping bear." he forcefully pulls out the covers from my body.  Wait.  Did he just say 1 in the afternoon??. 

The way I flew out of the bed,  was quite miraculous. Shinning my eyeballs I take a look at my little alarm clock, oh my gaaawwwddd.  I stare briefly at Tayo with disbelief before packing my towel and toiletries to the bathroom when suddenly, my whole body began to fall.  Was I falling? Soon, my head hit the ground and I went blank.


"Ali Ali....." I felt a hand press my forehead.  Where was I?.

I slightly open my eyes which was blurry while I tried to form out the warm voice that called me.  I could form out white walls and charts, the place smelt like an hospital. Was I....?.
My eyes became clear enough to reveal Tayo staring down at me with a worried look which later turned to a bit of annoyance. Why is he angry?

"How can you, an adult for that matter not know that your body had been storing  fever for a while?." he questions with an unamused expression.

"Well, I didn't put alot of effort to learn health education. So forgive me for not bothering about my health with my daily busy life.  Thought it was just body ache tho." I retorted, shrugging my shoulders.
He came closer to my face like he was studying something on my face,  then  raised his hand and flicked me on the forehead.

"ooww. How can you hit a sick person?." I groaned in pain rubbing where he hit.

" That was a stupid way to answer, and you are stupid. I'm ashamed to call you my roommate." he deadpanned.

"I...i am not stupid. " I argued. Couldn't he just say I should be careful with my health next time?. What sort of doctor is this one sef?.

"haven't you heard,  only stupid people fall sick." he said, seeming to be more fixed on what he was writing on a board.

"What?  Who says that??." i felt annoyed by his way of making fun at me.  Look who's talking. After collapsing last week from exhaustion.

"Doctors in Japan." he answers, smirking briefly before looking at me seriously.

"Well from the results, you're getting better.  You might feel a bit of discomfort in your stomach but that's okay. Drink some water regularly, the nurse will come in soon to give you some medicine. Don't act like a baby and just take them." I stuck my tongue out when he said that.

"how does your body feel. Aching anywhere? " he asks ignoring me. 
"I feel a bit Light weighted now, and I feel hungry." I confirm to him while he writes something on his board again.
"Don't worry the nurse will bring some food along. But make sure you take the medicine."  his words sounded like a caring dad.  I stare at him for a moment, thinking about Tayo being a Dad.  Cute. I smile sheepishly to myself oblivious that Tayo was staring at me.

"Are you done daydreaming?." he gives me his blank expression while I smile stupidly in response.

He soon gets up about to leave the room when he turns back at me, "don't go anywhere. Once I'm done with my shift, we will go home together. Okay?" he ordered which I nodded in obedience before letting himself out.

After spending some hours at the hospital, I had a good rest, ate and took the drugs Tayo had prescribed.  I felt a bit better.

Well I can say, the 'Doctor' Tayo is quite gentle and popular among the patients and he was always ready to appease them with a gentle smile.  I like this Doctor Tayo.  Not the unruly, disrespectful roommate Tayo.
Its quite painful that his dead girlfriend decided to leave such a guy. I wonder if she was happy being with him?. Why am I suddenly thinking about it.?

The drive back home was so annoying with Tayo who just kept nagging at me. I tried  blocking him out by increasing the volume of the car radio but that didn't work. 
"why do you keep nagging at a sick person?" I grumbled feeling a bit pissed.

"you're not a sick person, just a stupid person. " he scoffed.
I snapped when he said the word 'stupid' again. 

"Stop calling people stupid!!" I yelled at him. My body began to boil.

"I don't call people stupid without a reason and it's only you I call stupid, which there is a reason."  he retorted back not bother that I was angry.
Urghhh!!!! This guy annoys ME Eyven when i'm just recovering. "Big head, stupid head, cow, goat...." I kept calling him names until we got to the entrance gate of our building. He hasn't seen me pester him yet. 

He parked the car by our apartment before getting out. I barged out, kept yelling and he continued ignoring me.  "you are just a bully,  why do you disrespect me?.  DISRESPECTER of women.!! " he paused then faced me with unbelief in his eyes. 

"Ali, that is not a word..." he stated and faced back to his previous direction pointing towards our door.  "and we have visitors."

I look at the direction he was pointing at and my jaws almost dropped . What are they doing here?. 

They were looking back at us with surprise on their faces.
"What are they doing?" the first one asked looking displeased

"I think they are having a lover's spat" the other one chuckled and ran towards me, giving me a hug.

"Sister Lima, where did you go naa??" she grumbled.
I was still shocked finding out that my two siblings were standing in front of  my apartment.
I think I might fall sick again.

My annoying twin siblings, and Tayo.

What do I do???

A/n : happy new week.

Tayo is a 'DISRESPECTER' of women???.

Alima's siblings just arrived, how will she deal with this.
Until Friday then.

Did you enjoy this chapter?.  I hope you did.

As always, thanks for your time.
Love y'all.

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