4. Your Best Friend In Smosh

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Anthony -

Joven: Yours and Joven's sense of humour was just as bad as each other so you always laughed at each other's terrible jokes

Ian -

Anthony: You, Ian and Anthony were best friends since school so it's only natural that you and Anthony stayed best friends into being adults

Joven -

Mari: You loved Mari, she always helped you when you needed it and she was the person that convinced Joven to ask you out in the first place so you'll always be grateful

Lasercorn -

Sohinki: You and Sohinki were both try hards so usually you ended up joining forces when Lasercorn went rogue during a game

Sohinki -

Lasercorn: You were the person who suggested Lasercorn should dye his hair orange, everyone, fans included, loved it so he was grateful to you for that

Mari -

Flitz: You thought Flitz was an amazing dancer and you had always wanted to learn hip hop and break dancing so Flitz taught you

Flitz -

Wes: You were extremely child like so you and Wes got along perfectly, any time you had a day out together, Flitz felt like he was looking after his two children

Wes -

Courtney: You thought Courtney was really cool the first time you met her, she was like your older sister so you told each other everything

Shayne -

Damien: You were extremely insecure and when you worked out you liked Shayne, you thought you weren't good enough. Damien caught you crying in the office one day and you ended up spilling everything. He was the person who got Shayne to realise how much he liked you by telling Shayne exactly what you told him

Noah -
Keith: Keith was already Noah's best friend so the fact that they hung out a lot meant that you and Keith also became best friends for life

Courtney -

Boze: You and Boze were really close, both being big gamers and having a very similar personality and sense of humour, when she hung out with you and Courtney, she didn't feel like a third wheel

Keith -

Olivia: You have always had a strange sense of humour and been a naturally funny person, so you and Olivia got on brilliantly

Olivia -

Ian: You and  Ian clicked from the moment you met. You loved having Ian as your best friend because you knew that there would be someone there for you no matter what

Boze -

Noah: You and Noah were close from the offset. You were of a very similar age so seemed to stick together when people started to shoot you down and Boze loved the fact that no matter what, you would always have someone to go to if she wasn't available at that time

Damien -

Shayne: Shayne was like your protective older brother, he trusted Damien not to hurt you since he is his best friend, but made sure you knew he was always there if things got tough

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