14. They Propose

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Anthony -

Anthony proposed at the same restaurant you went to on your first date. He was at work while you were still at home when he text you saying to be ready for 7 as he would be outside and that your outfit is on your bed. You raced upstairs to see the same outfit you wore on your first date laid out perfectly for you along with a note that says "I'll see you soon princess - Anthony Xxx" You got yourself ready and was sat back on your sofa when your doorbell rang. You opened it to see Anthony standing there dressed in a pair of jeans, a black v neck and a leather jacket, the exact outfit he wore for your first date. You couldn't help but have deja vu thinking about how you felt when you opened the door of your parents house before you went out with him for the first time. He smiled at you and told you that you look beautiful before taking your hand and leading you to his car, opening your door before getting in himself.

He drove you to the restaurant and you had an amazing time. You had stared off into space thinking about how much you loved the man in front of you and when you zoned back in you realised he wasn't there anymore and you felt a tap on your knee. Confused you looked down to see Anthony on one knee with a box in his hand. "Y/N, I love you more than anything. This place has amazing memories for me as it's the place I realised I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. So, Y/F/N Y/L/N will you marry me?" he smiled, starting to shed a tear. You wiped away your tears that had fallen and nodded, throwing your arms around Anthony as cheers rang out in the restaurant

Ian -

You and Ian were taking a trip back to your old school. As a previous prom king and queen you were invited back to make a speech at an assembly with all of your old teachers and some of the current children that went to the school. You pulled up outside and took Ian's hand, a feeling of nostalgia washed over you as you made your way through those same doors you walked through everyday for more than 5 years of your lives. You made your way to the gym where there were lots of people, you spoke to old teachers that you hadn't seen in years and generally had a lot of fun. Then it was time for yours and Ian's speech. You walked up to the mic, hand still in Ian's and cleared your throat. "Good evening," you started. "My name is Y/F/N Y/L/N and this is Ian Hecox, and we are a past prom king and queen. We are here today to tell you how our life has changed since we left school. Some of you may recognise Ian as he is one half of the YouTube comedy duo Smosh and believe it or not, once upon a time, I met Ian and Anthony and we went to this very school together. I am extremely lucky that we have all stayed close over the years, Ian and I are even dating and my life has never been better. I graduated with honours majoring in Film and Production and I am currently working with Ian at Smosh as part of the behind the scenes crew and I really couldn't be happier. Now I'm going to pass you over to Ian to say a few words. Thank you" The crowd clapped as you and Ian swapped places, him whispering a "Well done" as you switched.

"Hi," he started. "As Y/N already mentioned, I'm Ian Hecox. and I used to go to this school with both Y/N and Anthony. This school holds some amazing memories for me, which is why I wanted to do this here today." You looked very confused as Ian grabbed your hand, pulling you in front of the audience. He looked into your eyes and for a second it was like you were the only two in the room. "Y/N, I have loved you since the moment we met. Right here in this school is where some of our greatest memories were made and I want to carry on making memories with you for the rest of my life." Your hand shot to your mouth and your eyes welled up with tears as Ian got down on one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket. "Y/N, will you marry me?" He asked. You stood there in shock, then nodded frantically. Ian pulled you towards him, hugging you tightly as everyone cheered.

Joven -

"Come on Jovie!" You shouted grabbing your coat, you were going to be late for your eye test. Joven ran down the stairs, catching his breath at the bottom. "Alright lets go!" he said, walking out of the door with you. Once you got there you sat down in the waiting room waiting for the optician to call you. You looked around and locked your eyes on Joven, your amazing boyfriend that you had met at this same place years earlier. That was the one and only time in your life that you thanked whatever being was up there for you having dodgy eyes. You were snapped out of your thoughts by the optician calling your name, you and Joven stood up and walked into the consultation room.

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