11. You/They Have A Nightmare

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Anthony -

You were laying in bed next to Anthony who you thought was asleep, you had woken up to get yourself a drink and were just settling down when you felt him twitch, you couldn't quite see him in the dark but you could just about make out his silhouette slightly thrashing around, you reached your hand onto his shoulder and he shot up gasping for breath. He saw you were next to him and grabbed you cuddling you into his chest, you later fell back to sleep once he explained he had had a nightmare

Ian -

You were asleep in your bed when you heard a crash downstairs, "Ian" you whispered, "Ian there's something happening downstairs I heard a crash", you got no reply so you turned to face Ian in bed and saw he wasn't there. You shot out of bed and ran downstairs just in time to see a man in a black balaclava hitting Ian over the head, "NO!!!" you screamed, and then you woke up. Sweat dripping down your face you had your face buried in Ian's chest who woke up when you screamed, relieved that he was in fact in bed next to you and there was no one downstairs

Joven -

You were sitting on yours and Joven's sofa watching the end of Batman, you heard a snore and looked over to see Joven had fallen asleep. "Wow he must have been tired, he missed the end of Batman!" you smiled at how cute he looked and left him laying down, covering him up so he didn't get cold. You got up to get into bed when a sudden shout of "Y/N!" made you run back into the room. Joven had his head in his hands, "Jovie" you said slowly walking over to him, "OH MY GOD Y/N YOU'RE OKAY" he said jumping up to hug you. You both went to bed together after he explained his dream and you assured him you were fine

Lasercorn -

You were in the park with Lasercorn and Tyler, Tyler was playing near the duck pond, Lasercorn asked you to watch him for a second while he went to answer a call from Anthony. You got a text on your phone and quickly glanced down to see who it was when you heard a splash. You looked up "OH MY GOD TYLER!" You screamed running towards the pond he had just fell in, he didn't know how to swim! "Y/N!" Lasercorn shouted running towards you, "WHY WEREN'T YOU WATCHING HIM?! he shouted again shaking your shoulders while you cried. You didn't answer but he kept shouting your name and shaking you and then you woke up. Lasercorn had come into your room to see you shaking and crying and had to wake you up, you explained your dream and Lasercorn took you to Tyler's room to show you he was fine, he thought it was sweet you were so worried about him.

Sohinki -

You walked into the Smoffice to grab some lunch with Sohinki, only to run straight into Mari, "Hey Y/N," she greeted, "Hey Mari," you replied, "You here for Sohin?" she asked, "Yep do you know where he is?" you asked, "Well let's just say, #sleepysohin is happening IRL" she laughed, "He's in the squad office on the sofa" "Thanks" you replied hugging her goodbye. You walked to the office and you heard his voice, 'oh he must be awake' you thought, but then you heard what he was saying. "Y/N, Y/N no please!" oh no he was having a nightmare. You rushed into the office and shook his arm to wake him up, you have no idea how happy he was to see you

Mari -

You were walking home after work one day as you and Mari only lived a few blocks away from the office. Only problem was that it was really dark and you had to walk down an alley way on the way home. You took a deep breath and started to walk when you were suddenly knocked over from behind, and then all you saw was darkness. You shot up in bed, sweating and shaking, Mari shot up next to you and began comforting you as you told her what happened


You had gone to bed one night quite early as you had a headache. Flitz was editing his latest video for his Nerdsworth channel and told you that he would be in really soon. You wanted to stay up but it was really hurting you so you finally gave in and went to bed. You woke up a few hours later and rolled over but the bed was still empty. You slowly got out of bed and went back to Flitz's office and found him asleep in a really awkward position with his head on his desk in front of his computer. You went over to wake him up when he suddenly shot up and fell off of his chair. You helped him up, not very easily with him being so much taller than you and after he explained what happened you went to bed

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