28. Your Baby's Godmother/Godfather

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Anthony -

Godmother - Courtney (You trusted Courtney with a lot so you thought that she would be the perfect role model, like a cool aunt for your baby girls)

Godfather - Joven (Joven was your best friend so how could you not make him your babies godfather? You knew how spoilt they would be by him the second they were born so he was the perfect choice)

Ian -

Godmother - Boze (Boze was the perfect godmother, funny yet sensible enough to keep your little boy on track)

Godfather - Anthony (Anthony was both yours and Ian's best friends so it made sense that he would be your baby's godfather)

Joven -

Godmother - Mari (Mari was your best friend and apart from you was by far the most excited for your little girl to be born so that's why you chose her)

Godfather - Wes (Wes is Joven's best friend and was there for you a lot during your pregnancy if Joven didn't happen to be around, therefore you both agreed he was the perfect godfather for your baby)

Lasercorn -

Godmother - Olivia (Olivia was so excited when you announced that you were pregnant and she was already like an aunt to Tyler so it made perfect sense for her to become your baby's godmother)

Godfather - Sohinki (Sohinki was your best friend, he was already counted as 'Uncle Sohin' in Tyler's eyes and was so good with helping you by looking after Tyler whenever you needed it, so just like Olivia, he was the perfect choice for godfather)

Sohinki -

Godmother - Mari (Mari had told you many times that she had always wanted to be an aunt to a little girl, so the perfect opportunity to give her that chance came along when you found out that you were having not one little girl, but twins)

Godfather - Lasercorn (Lasercorn was your best friend and was always the first choice in your mind for your baby girls' godfather, you also thought it was an added bonus that your little girls would always have someone to play with since Tyler was so close to their age)

Mari -

Godmother - Boze (Boze was always there for both you and Mari from coming out to your parents, to getting engaged, getting married and finding out that you were pregnant so you wanted to thank her by making her your babies godmother)

Godfather - Flitz (Flitz was your best friend and was extremely excited to find out that he had a new little girl and little boy to be able to teach dance to, so he was their godfather)

Flitz -

Godmother - Mari (Mari had almost cried with happiness when you told her that you and Flitz were expecting twin boys, she vowed to be the coolest aunt in the world)

Godfather - Wes (Wes was your best friend and you knew how well he would get on with your baby boys since he could be so childlike, therefore you knew straight away that they would have the best bond if he was their godfather)

Wes -

Godmother - Courtney (Courtney was your best friend and ever since you had met you had promised each other that one day if you had children, you would be the other's godmother, so you were keeping your promise)

Godfather - Joven (Joven was Wes's best friend and also extremely sweet and dad like, so you thought that he would be the best godfather for your little boy)

Shayne -

Godmother - Courtney (Both you and Shayne were very close to Courtney, she was actually the first person you confided in after having a freak out over the fact you were expecting not one baby, not two babies but actually three. She helped you through it and you wanted to thank her by making her their godmother)

Godfather - Damien (Damien was both yours and Shayne's best friend, he was hilarious, loving but also had quite a strict side, so you thought he would be perfect to be the godfather of your three babies)

Noah -

Godmother - Olivia (Olivia had always wanted to be a godmother, so you decided that when you found out you and Noah were having a baby girl that she would be perfect for the job)

Godfather - Keith (It went without saying that Keith would be your baby's godfather, he was your best friend and Noah's too so there was no one else in your mind)

Courtney -

Godmother - Boze (Boze was your best friend in the Smosh crew. You wanted your baby girl to have another strong female figure in her life so she was the perfect choice, smart, talented, funny and brave)

Godfather - Shayne (Shayne was like an older brother to you and Courtney, always there for advice and hugs when you need it, so you thought he would be perfect to be there for your baby girl too)

Keith -

Godmother - Olivia (You and Keith had decided your future baby's godmother when you first met. It was actually decided in a game of 20 questions and it stuck. You wanted your baby to have a cool aunt to look up to, so Olivia, being your best friend, fit the bill perfectly)

Godfather - Noah (Noah was Keith's best friend and one of your closest friends. You wanted your little boy to have a relatable yet cool uncle along with Olivia, so Noah was the perfect choice. There was also no changing Keith's mind on the subject)

Olivia -

Godmother - Courtney (Courtney and Olivia were really close friends and Courtney had always wanted Olivia to be her future child's godmother, so of course you agreed)

Godfather - Ian (Ian was your best friend. He was there for you through ups and downs so it just made sense that he was the godfather to your little boy)

Boze -

Godmother - Mari (Mari was the closest girl in the group of your friends to Boze, they had been close since Boze became a Smosh Games member and you both trusted her with your lives so she was the perfect cool godmother for your baby boy)

Godfather - Noah (Noah was such a loving person and your best friend, you knew that he would be so proud to become your baby's godfather and that he would love his Uncle Noah)

Damien -

Godmother - Mari (You and Damien were both very close to Mari, more so than the other girls in the Smosh family and you wanted your baby girls to have the coolest aunt you could find, Mari fit the bill perfectly)

Godfather - Shayne (Shayne was very protective of you, being your best friend and Damien's too, and you knew that he would be no different with your baby girls, so you asked him to be their godfather)

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