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I don't think anybody's ever going to read this or happen to stumble across this book. This book is probably going to get lost into the deep dark black hole of wattpad with thousands of other books. It is then one day going to vanish or get deleted because wattpad will have shut down due to some supernatural ish... but hey a girl can dream. If you happen to accidentally stumble across this book by a series of unfortunate events.. please, PLEASE give it a chance. If you are still reading this, I love you. If you have decided this is worth your time, I fucking adore you.

Tell me what you think, good things, bad things, kinky things.. yeah i should stop. If you like what you read, give it a star and you'll get a donut in return.

Ignoring the fact that I'm actually talking (or in this case writing) to practically no one right now, I'm gonna welcome my imaginary reader into my home for a nice cup of coffee and some cupcakes.. uhhh whet? Sorry I meant into my book, BOOK MY LOVELY READERS. I actually don't own a house, (its my parent's) and i cant cook to save my life (even coffee).


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