So..... I wrote a new song

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I need your guys opinions on this new song i wrote here it is and i hope you guys like it i wrote from me feelings but i put down with Heart lol  but yeah haha *rubs the back of my neck*  please tell me what you guys think-Mk

By: Me

As I stare off into space

I found my own place

Looking back at the past

Has gone by so fast

Finding who I am

Standing silently still

Never meant to be shy

But it's time to fly

Showing you my wings

Speaking up for the first time

Never meant to be tall

Because it's like nothing at all

Being me

Is who I want to be

People judging me bothers me a lot

Tries to stay strong

But I'm afraid to fall

Hoping to find my puzzle pieces

Never meant to be shy

But it's time I got by with sharing my own feeling

I wrote this song

To help me stay strong

While my friends and family goes through tough battles

I feel like I'm lost without my music or art

But I'm pretty sure we all cope someway

I don't expect you to understand

But this is the real me who's not afraid to speak

I may be emotional in many ways

But it's who I am so that won't go away

My feelings get hurt easily

Hiding them behind a mask

Afraid to show people who else I really am

I am shy and emotional

But that's not all

You mess with my family

And you'll have to answer to me

I may sound scary

But that's ok

I am protective of my friends and family

You hurt them its like you hurt me

I can never stay mad at anyone

Unless they push my temper

But underneath me hiding my emotions

It's like I'm not hiding who I am at all

I know it doesn't make sense

But we all have a voice

We all are strong in our own ways

We all cope differently then others

But in the end we go back to reality

Asking ourselves is this the real me

Be true to who you are

We all have faith in you

Don't give up

Because if you fall

We will be there to pick you right back up again

And together we will rise

From the ground not backing down

But showing who we are as a person

And letting others see the real us

So be yourself

That's all we could ask for

Be true to you

And Never give up on yourself

Because in the end we are our own super hero's

Speak up and speak out

For what you believe

I keep myself in my music and art

It's like an escape to who I really am and helps me express who I am

I hope you enjoyed this song because it's not the last of them

But yes this is my voice

Telling you I'm not afraid anymore of showing you guys who I truly am

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