Im On To Her

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Thank you so much to everyone reading and commenting on my story! I seriously didn't expect to gain such lovely support. Thank you a billion times <3

--------- Anaya

The dance ended and we were required to grab everyone from the audience. I ran to Saad and brought him on the dance floor. We grabbed hands and spun in circles then moved to the next person doing the same while spinning. Then I spun back right into Abhi's arms and froze. We looked straight into each other's eyes as my hands settled on his chest. His eyes were light brown. I focused on his pupils which were dilating. The fine lines on the wing of his eyes were evident once he squinted slightly. He smirked, pulled my hands off his chest and spun me back to Saad. It happened so suddenly that I was about to trip on Janet's ghagra. I looked back at him and glared. He grinned and backed away into the audience.

And for a second, I thought I had been wrong to judge someone upon one encounter.

But nope, his arrogance is evident through the way he acts.

I look up at Saad, smile brightly and grab his hand to dance.

Abhi is an ignorant ass.

----- Abhi

The dance ended and everyone was on the dance floor. I spun Janet around but kept my eyes on the other girl. I continued to watch her as she gracefully shook her hips to the beat and laughed. She paused and glanced at me and I immediately turned to Janet.

Janet spun to the next person to dance and I started to fix the folds on my shirt's sleeves which were pulled up.

Suddenly, the girl hit my chest and froze in my arms.

I put my hands upon her forearm and looked down at her. She had her hands laid upon my chest. I looked down to see her frantic expression. She gradually raised her head to look straight into my eyes which sent shivers along my spine.

We kept our eyes fixed on each other and remained in that position. I snapped out of the gaze and smirked to the side as I glanced down from her big brown eyes. I took her hands off my chest and spun her back to Saad but immediately regretted it once I realized how forceful and sudden I had been. She was about to trip on Janet's ghagra before falling into Saad's arms.

I watched as she looked up at him and smiled as if nothing had happened.

She didn't even look back.

I expected for her to at least look back once so I could apologize but she didn't even glance at me.

I deserved that.

------ Anaya

Saad smiled with a concerned look on his face, "you okay!?"

I laughed and told him I was fine. We continued to dance before I got tired and decided to excuse myself to take a seat.

As I walked towards my seat, I took my hair and laid it on my right shoulder. I sat there for a while just watching everyone.

After a while, I felt a cold breeze on my bare shoulder.

I raised my fingers to feel around my cold shoulder.

The breeze stopped. I turned my head to look back and was startled due to how close Abhi was to me. He was blowing on my shoulder and at this point our noses were almost touching. He smiled at me and asked if he could take a seat by me.

I turned my back to him and replied.


"Haha I'm still sitting."

I smirked, watching everyone on the dance floor.

"Go ahead. You did take my parking spot already, whilst nearly getting me into an accident, then deliberately tripped me on the dance floor, so it doesn't really matter if you take this entire table cause I don't want to sit by you."

"I didn't deliberately trip you..and I'm sorry for the car incident too. But woah, you're quite sassy and quite harsh. You should be glad that I'M sitting by you."

I turned to face him now and raised my eyebrow.

"Are you serious right now?" 

I stood from my seat and joined Aleyna who stood on the side of the dance floor, clapping for everyone.


I smiled as I watched her walk away all full of sass.

She has an interesting personality.

I'm on to her.

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