I hate him

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Once my dad and his guests had arrived, we had lead them all to the dining room to have dinner.
I decided to avoid Abhi as much as I could tonight. I had been in the kitchen "helping out" ever since I found out he was here.
I was just about to take a seat by my Maa before Ayan ran up and slid in from the other side. I opened my mouth to protest but quickly shut it, realizing that it would be impolite to start bickering with Ayan while everyone's trying to eat. I looked around the room, searching for a seat, only to realize the only spot left was in front of Abhi, who was looking down at his phone. I let a breath out in frustration and made my way to my chair.
Nothing ever goes the way I plan for it to.
I immediately kept my attention on the food. I tried reaching for salmon which was placed near the middle but as I was getting up, I kicked Abhi's leg.
He dropped his fork on to his plate and bit his lip, stopping himself from continuing to say the word he was about to use.
I quickly sat back down and faced him in shock with my eyes popping out. I raised my palms to pat down the crimson shade, making its way onto my cheeks. He raised his eyes to look at me in confusion and I smiled weakly, attempting to display that it was an accident.
In response, he rolled his eyes and reached for the plate of salmon himself and handed it over the table to me.
"Son, what did you say your name was?", my dad asked curiously.
He raised his eyes from the chicken he was cutting to face my dad, "Abhi Akhtar, uncle."
"Wait...ARE YOU FARHAN'S SON?!" My dad shouted in realization.
Abhi laughed lightly and nodded his head but raised an eyebrow to ask my dad, "Do you know him?"
My dad sighed as a genuine smile appeared on his face, "We grew up together in Multan, from 4th grade to college. He was the closest friend I had. He helped me overcome many hardships. As soon as I saw you, I felt that I knew you. You look just like your father. I remember when you were this small at the Valley Hospital. I miss Farhan. Ever since he moved to Baltimore, we had lost touch..make sure you leave his phone number so I can call him over some time."
Abhi laughed and responded,
"I'll give it to Anaya before leaving."
I looked over and stared at Abhi in confusion. It's weird to hear him say my name. Plus How could he be connected to my family in so many ways? All 4 years of high school passed of us not acknowledging each other at all but now we are connected through my mom and dad. It's truly odd how things turn out. He turned from my dad to immediately meet my eyes. I snapped out of my trance and acted as if I was staring at the clock behind him. He chuckled in response and continued eating.
Once everyone was content and had finished their mouthwatering meals, I offered to do the dishes so that my mom can rest and have tea with Aunt Jaya.
So here I was, trying to balance an expensive china set, which my mom adores, on the palms of my hands as I walked from the dining room to the kitchen which was just a few doors down the corridor.
Once I safely arrived in the kitchen, I rushed to the island in the middle of the kitchen and placed the four plates down and started separating the cutlery.
I turned the sink on to rinse the plates so that I could place them in the dishwasher after. After I was done rinsing, I realized that I'd need help with figuring out how to work the new dishwasher. I felt relieved once I heard the faint sound of Ayaan's footsteps making their way into the kitchen.
"Ayan, do you have any idea how this new dishwasher works? There are too many complicated functions." I asked while turning on my heels to face him.
Well, what I didn't expect was to look into two chocolate brown eyes, staring piercingly back at me, with used plates stacked in both hands. My mouth instantly shut and I bended down to take a better look at the dishwasher.
"I'll take a look at it." He answers my question which was aimed for Ayan. Placing his plates on the kitchen island, he bends down next to me. His body getting within an extremely close proximity to mine. I looked at him from the corner of my left eye and noticed how he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out the functions to the dishwasher. My tiny nose manages to pick up the scent of his excessively seductive cologne.
"Got it!" He clicked some buttons on the machine and turned to face me.
I cleared my throat, trying not to look at him as I answered back with a weak "thank you."
I got up, looked down to him with a smile and patted my skirt down then turned to the sink.
Anxiously, I licked my lips and reached for the plates I had rinsed earlier. Carefully placing them in my hand, I walked towards the dishwasher. Abhi opened the door, allowing me to neatly place each plate in a rack. He then turned to the island to collect the rest of the plates, rinse them in the sink and carefully place them in the machine.
Once he's done, he turns to look at me. And since, I've been observing his actions for the past few minutes, his eyes instantly capture mine.
How is he both so attractive and kind? Wait..what am I thinking?! KIND?!? PSHTT he's such a jerk. Remember how he would laugh along with his friend, Sameer, when he would unnecessarily make obnoxious comments about you in class.
Lost in my thoughts, I'm slightly startled once I hear him say my name with his low, husky voice.
"Naya." He says while clearing his throat.
"What?!" I say a little harshly, arising from my deep thoughts.
"You're Anaya from Ms.Dona's ap lit class, right?" He asked with his eyebrow raised in question.
I chuckled and answered fiercely,
"Yeah the girl who would always be attacked by your ignorant friend's stupid commentary in class."
I turned to make a dramatic exit out of the kitchen but failed due to Abhi's sudden movement to stop me.
With a tug, Abhi pulled me back to where I stood, then spun me around to face him. Gently- yet forcefully. Surprised, I look down at his delicate hand wrapped around my wrist. His thumb grazed my knuckles, instantly sparking goosebumps along my arm.
"What?" I look up at him, my tone of voice stern.
"You know...it is sort of your fault. Your ways of displaying your intelligence in class were quite irritating and obnoxious. I'm actually smart myself but did you see me kissing up to the teacher's ass all the time? Nope, didn't think so." He says as he dropped his hands to his sides.
I scoffed with both eyebrows raised,
"Are you serious right now?"
He nodded and smirked in response. Then stepped back to lean against the kitchen counter, opposite the island.
I huffed, glared at him, crossed my arms and turned on my heels to make my way up the stairs right into my room.
How could he be such a jerk? You're so stupid Anaya. You should have realized that he is still the same egotistical dickhead from high school. The one who laughed at you with his friend. The same Abhi who tried to ram into your car the other day for a stupid parking spot.

I hate him

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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