Chapter 6

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I'm really sorry for not updating, I'm just really busy. 

Hope you forgive me. I have 103 reads. I'm happy for that, by the way.

So, here's chapter 6!


Carrie's POV

I walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen to eat some cereals. I picked up a bowl and pored some cereals in it. I finished my cereal and I looked at the clock and it said 11: 30.

'I think it's time for Diana to wake up.' I thought to myself.

I grab the doorknob and I opened the door slowly so that it wouldn't make a sound.

I yelled her name and jumped on her bed.

"Carrie, you're so dead!" she groaned.

"You need to wake up and get ready." I jumped off the bed and I just waited for her to respond.

"Why do I need to get ready? Are we going somewhere?" I can see that she's still sleepy because of the sound of her voice.

"Yeah. We're going to the boys' flat. Zayn will pick us up on 3:00 in the afternoon." She immediately stood up and grabbed her towel.

"Really?! Oh my gosh. What do you think should I wear? Should I look presentable?" Right now she's jumping and squealing. She doesn't even know what to do. I'm glad that I didn't tell her yesterday night, cause she'll freak out and she'll definitely not sleep because of excitement.

"Ummm... calm down, okay. I think just wear casual clothes. It's just the boys' house. Don't be too excited. Now go and take a bathe." I waited for her to get inside the bathroom and I leave her room immediately.

I grabbed my towel and head straight to the bathroom. I thought to myself of what is going to happen there. I really know that it'll be fun. Well of course, it's the boys, not just some normal teenage boys. It's One Direction!

I turned of the shower and wrap the towel around my body. I looked at the clock and it's already almost 1:00. I blow dryed my hair and put some make-up on.

I wore my jeans with a pair of tank top. I also have my sweater with me. I grabbed my black high-top converse. I wore it and I grabbed my phone. I make sure that my phone is fully charged. 

I walked towards the room of Diana. I saw that Diana is already changed and she really looks beautiful. She looks up from her phone.

"So, you're ready to meet the boys?" I sit beside her on the bed.

"Ofcourse! I am really excited to see the boys!" She really has a loud voice.

"Well, I think maybe we need to wait-" I'm interrupted by the sound of my phone. It means that someone is calling me. I looked at the ID card. It's Zayn!

I stood up from the bed and walked outside. I clicked the green button and put the phone near my ears.

"Hey Zayn! Why'd you call?" I asked.

"Hi Carrie. Umm... you guys ready?" 

"Yes! My friend here really freaked out when she find ou that we're going to go to your flat." He chuckled. 

"Oh okay. I'll be there in a few. Bye!" He hung up already before I could reply. I placed my  phone inside my pocket and let Diana know that Zayn will be here in a few.

After 15 minutes, we heard the doorbell rang. I went to the door and opened it. I saw  a smiling Zayn outside. Diana is beside me, with a wide smile on her face. I can tell that she really can't believe that she is face-to-face with Zayn.

"So, wanna go now?" Zayn spoke up.

"Uhhh.. sure." I grabbed the keys of the house and I let Diana go outside and closed the door. We followed Zayn to his car. He opened the car door for me. I went inside and he also helped Diana to open the car door. We drove off to the boys' flat.

~Boys' flat~

Zayn opened the door to their flat. He let us go in first. One by one, the boys greeted us with a hug ang huge smile on their faces. We introduced ourselves first.

"HI boys, I'm Carrie and this is my friend, Diana." I realized that Niall is still looking at Diana.We greeted aech other and the boys led s to the living room. I can tell that it's their living room because it has the sofas, telly, and some kind of frnitures.

The flat of the boys is huge. 

"So girls, since you're our guest, what do you want to do?" Louis asked us.

"Well, why not play truth or dare?" I suggest. Truth or dare is one of my favorite games. They all agreed. We sat on the floor. Liam got a bottle. 

"Okay, I'll spin first." Harry said. We let him to spin the bottle.

The bottle pointed at me... "So, Carrie. truth or dare?"

"I choose dare." I said without thinking. I hope that my dare is not that difficult to do.

"Let me think first..." I waited for him to think something for my dare.

"Okay I dare you to kiss Zayn on the lips." I can't believe from what I heard. 

"Uhhh.. excuse me, there's no way I'm gonna do that." I refused.

"No, it's a dare , yo need to do it." They all told me that I should do it. I really don't know what to do. 

"Okay, I'll do it." Zayn and I started to lean in slowly....


So, will they kiss or not?

Haha... Hop you like this chapter. Please vote, fan, and comment.

I'll update if I'll receive 10 votes and 50 reads.


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