Chapter 7

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"I have found you and I will never lose you again"

That word came out on his mouth, like how Geo assured me way back in my lost memory. They had the same color of eyes, but that guy I know was only a child.

None of my thoughts would matter, if that was him or not I don't care, I don't want to be slave again, be tortured and be abused. I don't want to face that fears anymore.

He made me sat in his lap, locking my hands and arms. My tears fled as I move myself to get away from him. He cross his arms around me, I could feel he was afraid to lose someone in his life, could that be me?

"I miss you.. You're the only thing I had and they took you away from me" he almost swallowed his word, whispering.

"This time, I won't let anyone separate us anymore." He gasp.

He rested his head, his forhead lean in my shoulder, rest himself comfortably just like an old friends do, but that wasn't me.

"I can't wait.. My name will be your name.. My love"

I had thought this man is crazy like Hardin and his brother, he called me My love, who's that? Did his girlfriend died and now he wanted me as her proxy?

Now, I could not blink my eyes, I also heard someone called me that name before, and the shadow who was calling me came out in my head.

It was Lukas, my hands shakes remembering his name, he was Hardin's brother. If Hardin loves to torture me, Lukas was more devil than him.

I had stop dreaming when that day came, right infront of me he killed a young girl same as my age. Lukas is a Psycho maniac, a killer, a rapist, heartless.

He treat me as an animal, he treat that young girl as a toy, throw after he had played. I had seen the young girl beg, she was crying out of pain in his deep push, ravished. I had witness how he molested her.

I was truamatize, I had wish that day I was blind so I could never see him doing that right through my eyes. How the young girl pained as I look at her, it slowly eats my thoughts, my heart, aswell as my soul.

He clasp her hands down on the ground, laid him tight in push, feet parted and no dress, forcing him. She had no strength to shield herself as she closes her eyes, breathless, I could not see she move.

"Are you jealous My love?" Lukas said leering at me. The young girl was already dead, and he keeps doing his evil deeds, heartless, criminal. I was only shocked in everything, numb and dumb.

My heart dies when that happened, eyes stayed wide, and tears just fall without my sobs. That day became one of my nightmare, feeling of stupid why I could not help her. She needs my help, but all I could do is to watch her died, scared.

Lukas, he showed me everyday his manhood, almost he buried it inside my mouth but he could not move me, Hardin will kill him. I was his favorite to tortured with, maybe thats why he keeps me alive, he never been satisfied.

Lukas was afraid of his brother, but never he was afraid to killed innocent.

Who are they? What is this all about? Why I am here? A question that no one could ever answer.

I had figured a bad luck in my life. I had escape from Hardin, live at the street and then brought me again to this kind of life, prisoned for a long time, waiting to be sold.

Its not fair, how hard my life could be. Is this called living? Or am I only born to feel this kind of suffering. God was never been around me, he was only looking to somewhat lucky. He forgets me, like how I forgets him, and his name.

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