iv: 2011

73 5 12

When I enter the funeral room, I gape at the large number of people present.

I look around, searching for Minseok, when I spot him chatting animatedly with my younger brother, Oh Sehun. I grew up with him, and adopted the name "brother", but he's actually my cousin. Sehun is my uncle's son, the same uncle whose wife's, my aunt, funeral is today. She was the sister of my mother.

When Sehun spots me, he beckons me over. He wraps his arms around me in a bear hug. "I haven't seen you for so long," he says, after letting me go.

I nod. "I know; I missed you too."

Minseok clears his throats as if wondering our connection. As Sehun's four years younger than me and Minseok, Minseok addresses Sehun by his first name, "Sehun, are you Sonagi's boyfriend?" He interrogates.

My eyes widen and Sehun laughs. "No, I'm her cousin." Sehun explains, clearing up the embarrassing mistake.

This mistake has been made hundreds of times, that despite my reaction, I'm actually pretty used to hearing it. It's not embarrassing to be mistaken as Sehun's girlfriend because of who he is, Sehun's actually a really great guy. He's nice, funny, exciting, and pretty good looking as well.

However since I've grown up with him, he's practically my brother, and we are cousins, so it's pretty awkward when people mistake us for a couple.

"And brother." Sehun and I add at the same time.

Minseok tilts his head, looking puzzled. "Huh?"

I smile at how cute Minseok looks right now.

Then Sehun and I share a knowing look as we've experienced this a bunch of times, especially as growing up. "It's complicated."


I exit the funeral room, and enter the dining hall. I sit down at the low table, and begin eating.

Minseok sits down next to me. "You look nice." He compliments me, making my heart skip a beat.

I look down at what my outfit. I'm just wearing a simple, black hanbok. "Thanks," I say, smiling. "You look good as well."

Minseok's in a simple black tuxedo with a black tie. Minseok grins. "Thanks!"

"Sonagi." A voice hisses in my ear, startling me.

I turn to my right, and spot my other best friend, Yoon Soo Mi. We first met a months ago on a subway intersection by accident, but that accident blossomed into a friendship, and though we've only known each other for a short while, she's one of the best friends I've ever had. "Soo Mi!" I greet her, waving over-excitedly.

"First, I'm sorry for your loss," Soo Mi apologizes, meaning my aunt.

I shake my head. "It's okay, I wasn't very close to her." I assure Soo Mi. Which is actually true. No mater how much I wished to be, I never was close to my aunt, and now I know for sure that we never will be.

Soo Mi suppresses a frown, then proceeds to change the subject. "Who's that?" She asks, peering at Minseok, who's on my left. "Boyfriend?"

I shake my head vigorously, trying to fight the blush creeping into my cheeks. "No!" I shout, a little too forcefully. "We're just friends."

I look over at Minseok to see his reaction. His face is completely blank, but then he smiles. "Yeah, we're just friends." He emphasizes softly.

Though I was the one to say it first, I feel my heart fall at his words. I sigh. Just friends...

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