Chapter 1

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Kurt's pov

"What the hell?" I screamed. "There is no way I would go to that stupid cottage with Finn and Rachel. You gotta be fucking kidding me!"

My dad sighed and looked at me. His eyes could tell that he was tired.

"Why?" he asked. "Finn said that Rachel's cottage is huge. There is plenty of room for all of you. And Puck is going too, so it wont be only Finn and Rachel. Finn also said something about Rachel's best friend, he goes to Dalton. What was his name... Blaine, something like that... Yeah whatever, but he is coming too."

"Dalton, isn't that school for faggots or something like that? Oh, that sounds fucking good."

"Kurt! Language!"

"Sorry", I laughed. "So, if i get it right, there will be Finn, Finn's girlfriend, Finn's bestfriend and oh, even Finn's girlfriend's bestfriend. Interesting, because it seems like I have to go alone."

Dad shrugged. "I didn't say that you can't bring anyone. But you have to go. There is no other way."

I bited my lip and thought.  "Well, fuck it. I'm bringing Quinn." Quinn is my girlfriend.

Dad's smile was already relieved, but I wasn't done yet.

"But!" I snapped and dad looked at me.

"I want my car back."

"Kurt, last time when I gave you your car back, you almost drove over that one very sweet old lady", Dad reminded me. I laughed. Yeah I remember what happened, but it's better if I don't tell.

"She was horribly fat and annoying as fuck."

"Kurt, please don't curse", dad begged.

"Ok, ok", I stood up and rolled my eyes. "Jeez. But can I have my car?"

"Yes", dad sighed and took my baby's keys from his jeans pocket.


"When we are leaving?" I asked and dad looked up at me.

"This Friday."

"And how long we will be there?" I asked and crossed one's arm.

"For a month."

"What? For a month... Shit", I whisper-shouted and then stormed to upstairs to my room. I have to call to Quinn.

Blaine's pov

"Next month is going to be amazing!" Rachel singsonged and giggled a little.

"Just me, Finn, our cottage..." Rachel began and I laughed a little.

"Yeah, and also your bestfriend, hi, I'm right here!" I waved my hand. "And also Puck is coming, remember? It's not just about you and Finn." I kinda feel insecure about Puck's coming. I mean, he is a badass, he used to call me names, like fag and fairy, but not that much anymore. Maybe now he is cool about me being a gay.

"Aaw, are you jealous?" Rachel purred.

"About what?"

"That I have a boyfriend and you don't have."

"Ouch", I laughed. Rachel seems little mean, but she isn't. She just has this kinda weird sense of humor.

We were hangin out in Rachel's room and she was packing. I wondered why, there was still about three days, before Friday, when we are suppose to leave. Then Finn stormed in.

"Our vacation is ruined!" he whined.

Rachel stood up right away. "What?! What's wrong honey? Doesn't Carole let you to come, because you know I can..."

Finn interrupted Rachel: "Mom gave me permission to come, but..."

We both looked him, what is the 'but'. 'But' is never good.

"Mom and Burt decided, that Kurt and Quinn has to come too. If it isn't okay with you, Rachel, then I can't come either."

"Oh god no! Kurt?" Rachel screamed. I didn't know how to react. I don't know who is Kurt. Or Quinn.

"Who are they?" I carefully asked.

"Kurt is my stepbrother. He is such a pain in ass. Very annoying and sarcastic and he has this kind of punk thing going on", Finn explained. "And Quinn is his girlfriend."

"Well, if your parents think like that, maybe they can come..." Rachel said.

"Are you sure?" Finn double-checked.

"Yeah, I want you to be there, and c'mon, they can't be that bad!" And then they kissed. Gross.

But hurray, now there is going to be another couple. And I feel more alone than ever. I don't believe that I'm going to be a great friend with Puck, so this whole cottage-thing is going to be a disaster.

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