Chapter 7: The Gate

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  They found it. Eleven pointed to it. The Gate.

  Strange asked her if she was okay, she nodded "yes", maybe Strange didn't knew, but that rescue would change some lives, but one in special: Mike.

  Before carrying on, Strange asked if Mike was there, she just ran through that portal, Strange went after her.

  Eleven was dropping tears, but she wasn't crying, she was happy, you kno when you are so happy then you cry? That was her feeling. She never felt like this before.

  "ELEVEN!" He was screaming, "WAIT FOR ME!" But she wasn't listening, she only wanted to get out of that place, have a normal life, habe friends, study in a school.

  So they did it, Eleven was the first to get out, but she has been stopped, Strange came after.

STRANGE: Oh thank God you're... *looks at place*... safe.

  She was freezed, frightened, she saw it, the Thesselhydra. But what was it doing in the real world? "Be...quiet... don't... move" he whispered it, and then, Eleven was startled by a thunder's noise, and went back. "ELEVEN!" He screamed it.

The Thesselhydra moved on, but... it was thrown to the wall.

STRANGE: Good job, kid.
011: It wasn't... me...
STRANGE: Then how did it was attacked?

Then Eleven and Strange saw a hammer, Strange already knew who did it, Eleven was curious, Stephen turned around.

STRANGE: Ha... Thor.
THOR: Hi, Strange. *looks at Eleven* And you are...?
STRANGE: Eleven.
THOR: Like the number?
STRANGE: Yes, she didn't explained why she had that name, but she showed me tattoo with the number.
THOR: Hey Eleven.
011: Hi.
STRANGE: She has mind powers. Telekinesis.
THOR: Hm...
STRANGE: How did you end up here?
THOR: The Avengers tried to contact you, but there was no signal, so I asked Heimdall to locate you, and here I am... and you're welcome *gets the Mjölnir*
STRANGE: Oh sorry, thank you, we were needing your help.
THOR: And how did YOU end up here?
STRANGE: Portals training... long history.
THOR: Okay... better get back to them, tell that you're good. Call us if you and this little girl have any problem. Bye Strange, bye Eleven.
011: Bye.

  They were lucky that Heimdall located Strange, but it was a good visit. Eleven was more relaxed now, they could finally return to home.

STRANGE: So, tell me, where is your friend?
011: Mike... Wheeler...
STRANGE: Wheeler... I've seen this name before. The house, you were hiding in there! But I couldn't see him... wait a minute, if this is the laboratory, but it's the same room, with less toxicity and more light. That "Upside Down" was a darker version of Hawkins. So, it wasn't an apocalyptic world. It was the same world but darker. I think I get it. So your friend is not in danger, and you was trying to escape that place!
011: Yes.
STRANGE: How did you end up in the Upside Down?
011: Demogorgon. I was a hero.
STRANGE: No, Eleven, you ARE a hero, and you deserved being saved, you are a brave girl.
011: *smiles* Thank you.
STRANGE: You're welcome, now let's find your friend.


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