Final Chapter: Goodbye

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  The boys were in the basement playing Dungeons and Dragons, as always. Will was stopped, waiting for his move, while Mike was quiet too, but not because he was sad, Will and Mike were witnessing a discussion between Dustin and Lucas.

"Just use the defense spell, it will worth it" Dustin said, "No, just use the fireballs, Will. We will kill him in one shot!" Lucas answered.

  But then, something happened, a monster statue, the Thessalhydra, fell down, from nothing, of course they blame each other, but Mike knew none of them did it.

"Is she really dead?" He thought, he looked at Eleven's bed, yes, he still had that bed, he didn't touched it since she was gone.

MIKE: Guys, stop. What about we pause it? I took note of everything that happened here, we could continue tomorrow.
LUCAS: But... Mike... we can't.
MIKE: No? Why? I ask my mom, everything will be ok.
DUSTIN: Mike... tomorrow is the... *Dustin looked at Lucas with the face of 'Should you tell him or should I?' "
LUCAS: It's the Snowball, Mike...
WILL: Oh yeah! It will be so cool, have you invited someone?
LUCAS: I invited the new girl, Max, she's so beautiful.
DUSTIN: Yeah yeah, lucky one.
WILL: Well... I'll go alone. No problem for me. Dustin?
DUSTIN: I don't know... maybe alone, too.
WILL: And what about you, Mike?

  Will didn't understand it, Mike made a promise, and he failed to keep... well... until now.

MIKE: I... I think I'll just go upstairs.

WILL: What's happened? Is he mad because of me?

LUCAS: Of course not, Will, it's complicated to explain...

DUSTIN: Remember that girl we told you about? Eleven?

WILL: Yes, I think.

DUSTIN: She was special to him, he made a promise to her, that he would dance with her at the Snowball, unfortunately, he couldn't keep it.

WILL: That's sad. But why he couldn't keep it?

LUCAS: Because she is... dead...

DUSTIN: Yeah... "dead", personally I think she's still alive.

LUCAS: Yeah... me too, but I think Mike was in panic, he just had this idea... that she is... well...

WILL: I get it, guys.

DUSTIN: I'll talk with him...

Dustin looked for Mike, he couldn't find him, and he went outside...


MIKE: Jesus, Dustin, I am here, what happened?

DUSTIN: I need to know...

MIKE: I just don't want to talk about this.

DUSTIN: But we need to... I need to tell you something.

MIKE: Dustin...

DUSTIN: I will tell it Mike, don't interrupt me...

MIKE: Oh God... *sees a familiar face*

DUSTIN: I think that Eleven is...


STRANGE: Hey, why did you hide?

011: I don't know... if he remembers...


011: ... Me.

STRANGE: Do you want me to go with you?

011: Yes...


DUSTIN: MIKE! Listen to me...

STRANGE: Go on, say hi to your friend.

011: *smiles* M...MIKE!

MIKE: ELEVEN! Oh my God *runs and hugs her* I thought... I thought you were dead. How are you, are you hurt?

011: *smiles* No... *looks at Strange* he helped me.

DUSTIN: *looks at Strange* Wait a minute... I know this... this costume. Eye of Agamotto... Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

MIKE: What happened Dustin? Is he one of the bad guys?

DUSTIN: HE   IS   DOCTOR STRANGE! *Hugs him* I can't believe, I just can't believe it, I will call the boys, WILL, LUCAS! GET OVER HERE!

MIKE: Thank you, Doctor Strange. You saved her... you are my hero.

STRANGE: It's my duty, kid. Protect.

MIKE: And you saved us, El. I didn't have the chance to do it, so... *hugs her* Thank you!
011: *smiles*... hero.

STRANGE: *looks at them and smiles* Yes, you are, Eleven.





STRANGE: Hehe, I'll do one right now... but it's the way for my home. *makes a portal to Avengers mansion* It was really nice to see you guys! Will, Mike, stay strong, Dustin, Lucas, don' t discuss about Will's moves on D&D. Eleven, keep saving people. STAY ON SCHOOL, GUYS!

011: *hugs Strange* Thank you... thank you... Mr. Strange.

STRANGE: You're welcome, kid... goodbye... GOODBYE EVERYONE!

Strange passed through the portal. It was over. He saved her.

MIKE: Eleven...
011: ...What?
MIKE: Do you want to go to Snowball with me?
011: Yes!

Back at the Avengers mansion.

ROGERS: Oh hey, Strange, what happened? We tried to get contact with you.
STRANGE: We need a base in Hawkins, Indiana, right now.
STARK: Well... *enters the room*... I'm all ears.


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