One In a Million - Chapter Two

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A/N The first few chapters aren't going to be about Linus specifically (but he will be mentioned a few times) I promise it will get more into the story later on.

Lucy's whole world revolves around one thing. Music. It is her first thought in the morning and the last thing she hears before she falls asleep. Music makes her forget about everything, she can get lost in the lyrics. When she plays piano, she can feel all of her problems melt away as her fingers fly across the keys.

Singing always came naturally, there are videos of her singing from when she was 2 years old. The rhythm flows through her body, touching every inch of her body before spilling out of her mouth as a melody, intricately placed words that can make people feel so many different things. That's what she loved about it, the way she could make people feel. But as she grew older, her confidence shrunk. As people crushed her dreams, telling her she'll never make it or that she's not good enough - she began to believe it. Her dream is now just that. A dream. A dream that will never come true.

One In a Million -  a Linus Bruhn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now