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こんにちは! My name is
Anna - or in Japanese -アンナ- or even in hiragana, -あんな -which is what this whole book is about !

Before you start reading/ learning Japanese, I just want to remind you guys that it's not a one day type thing. It takes dedication and a very long time learning another language, especially a language that doesn't look like yours !

I also want to say that , yes. I do speak japanese, it is a my first language. English is my second . I am still learning , getting my Japanese and english better .

I also understand that many of these words are more appropriate with kanji (感じ) or katakana (カタカナ) but for this book, I'm trying only to use hiragana(ひらがな) only.

If you ever have any questions , feel free to comment or message me !
I'd love to help! !

Last message ! Please don't use Google Translate to learn another language. It may look accurate but honestly, it's wayyy off. It could cause embarrassment to you.

Btw add me on instagram :))

Japanese Study Book : Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now