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My heart is pounding as Theo leads me through the crowded gates of the Arena. It is so large I can't even see the end of it, Felix had said it was three miles in diameter, but it looks so much bigger. Not being a famous public figure, no one gave me much attention as we slipped through the crowd and into the waiting line. 

"Alright, I'm leaving you here. I'll be watching with, Mom. I believe in you, Ad." He quickly hugs me and then disappears through the weaving mass of people. 

"Next?" An attendant looks up at me expectantly. 

"Um, Adam Weaver." I try to lower my voice and not look nervous. 


"Nineteen," my voice shakes slightly. The main looks me up and down and scratches down a number. 

"You may proceed," I breathe in relief and follow the guys in front of me. 

"Arm," A middle-aged woman growls in a nasally voice. I try to not freak out as she takes my arm and clamps a metal bracelet around it. My name flashes across a small screen, followed by a number. 162. I gaze at the number in wonder until another guy shoves me out of the way. 

"Watch yourself," he smirks and struts down the tunnel. 

"Don't mind him," I hear Asher come up beside me. "Do I know you?" He looks at me puzzled and I try to avert my eyes. 

"No, my name is Adam." I mutter softly and he takes hold of my right hand to shake it. 

"You have very soft hands, Adam." Asher raises an eyebrow. 

"So everyone says," I pick up my pace to get away from him, sliding between others to put some distance between us. 

"You know, I've even kissed the Princess." I hear guy boasting. A small crowd has gathered around William, my assailant. "She couldn't get enough of me..." He flexes his large biceps.

"Yeah? Well, I've been to her room, at night." Another guy butts in. I roll my eyes at their posturing and continue on my way, not needing to hear what else those losers have done with the "Princess". The tunnel begins to brighten as I come closer to its mouth, sunlamps must be turned on high to get it so bright. My eyes start to discern trees in a large clearing, then my eyes adjust to the bright light. High above my head, I see a holo-sky, made to look like the real thing back on earth long ago. The clearing begins to fill as men file in, making me gag on the amount of testosterone. The Posturizers enter, still throwing about things they say they've done. I roll my eyes and sigh, this is going to be a long Tournament if they didn't get out soon. 

"Hello, Contestants!" A booming voice sounds across the clearing. 

"Welcome to the first ever Tournament of the Moon!" The sound echoes off the metal wall to my right and echoes across the Arena. "Look around you, someone among you will win the Princess Adelyn's hand in marriage. Some of you may not come out of this Arena! Your first task is to climb the mountain! First one-hundred contestants to make it to the top stay in the Tournament! Go!" 

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