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POV Adelyn

My fingers press softly into Luna's fur as she sprints toward the city, the wind whipping past my face like a tornado. For the last fifteen minutes we have made our way to ValNokta in hopes of making it before my father can. The people of ValNokta may be advanced, but they don't have nearly the firepower the Acralunan's do. The trees thin and Luna halts before the large metal gates to the city. All around arrows point in our direction and I raise a hand in a friendly wave.

"We are not your enemy," I call out and see the people on the wall scrutinize us. "I am Adelyn, I've come to help you fight my father."

"Addy?" a voice calls and I spot a familiar mop of blonde hair.

"Theo!" I grin up at him and he shouts at the men to lower their bows.

"Where have you been? And are those Nokta wolves?" He meets us moments later as the gates open, allowing us access to the city.

"Yes, this is my pack." I gesture to the wolves. "They're here to help too."

"Oh, Ad," Theo holds out his arms and I rush into them, not wasting a moment before tears bud in my eyes. "I thought I had lost you."

"I'm alright," I smile up at him and wipe away my tears before they can smudge my war paint. Theo presses me tight to his chest and squeezes. His hug makes my ribs feel like they will break, but it is well worth it. "Now tell me, why is father coming after us?" Theo bites his lower lip and I can tell he is unsure whether he wants to lie or not.

"You can't lie to me, Theodore," I chide and press my lips into a thin line.

"Sheesh, you sound like Mom," He shakes his head in amusement. "I took the crown."

"You what?!" My jaw gapes and he nods his head slowly. "Are you insane?"

"He doesn't deserve the crown, not after what he did to dad." Theo's jaw clenches and I sigh.

"He will kill everyone just to get that crown, Theo, did you think about that? What about Maered and your baby?" His blue eyes drop and I grasp his shoulders.

"We have to give it back,"

"It's too late," Felix calls from down the way and my head snaps away from my brother.

"What do you mean?" My voice quivers.

"They have Leon,"

POV Leon

My lips clench into a crooked line and I scowl at King Arend. The man looks too perfect, from his flawless white teeth to his graying blonde hair. The King's blue eyes gaze at me with unwavering disdain.

"Where are my children, I will not ask you again," Arend's teeth clench and his wife stares at me with fear in her eyes. My lips stay together as if glued. I will not budge.

"Fine, Wife you should leave," The King gestures toward the door and the woman complies. I can see where Adelyn gets her beauty, but every detail except her eyes is different. While Adelyn has raven black hair, her mother has golden blonde hair with some streaks of gray.

"If you won't talk the easy way, then we shall have to use force." One of the men holding me down unties my leather jerkin and it falls to the ground with a clap. Next, he tugs off my cotton shirt until my bronzed skin is all that remains. The men stare at my body and the tattoos that circle my back, torso, and arms. Another guard steps forward with a five inch long glinting blade and an evil smirk on his lips. "You may begin." The man steps forward until he is up in my space and I feel the cool blade press against my shoulder. He starts slow, drawing the sharp blade across my skin, drawing blood but it does not hurt.

"Will you speak?" My lips stay pressed together and upon a nod from the King, the guard presses the blade down harder. The knife bites into my skin and my jaw clenches. The blade glides lower, slicing across my left pectoral and warm blood spills down my abdomen and onto my trousers. The man picks up the blade and I try to not notice the crimson blood glinting on the knife. He places it against my other shoulder, and I bite my teeth together to keep any sound from escaping my lips. The blade presses into my collarbone and fire spreads through my shoulder, but I still don't flinch.

"I think you need to be more persuasive," The King chuckles darkly, the sadistic swine is enjoying my torture. The guard's brown eyes meet mine and his lips turn up darkly. He draws the blade away from my bleeding chest and grasps it in his palm, the blade point down from his pinky. Before I can prepare, he slams the blade hilt-deep into my thigh and a scream echoes through my brain, but only air escapes my lips.

"Not enough for you, Savage?" The guard twists the blade and I squeeze my eyes shut. My breath catches from the pain, but I keep my lips firmly pressed shut. I will not give them the satisfaction of hearing me scream. The man draws the blade out and wipes the blood on my tan trousers.

"If he won't talk, we will have to use him as leverage," The King reaches for my walkie-talkie and presses down the button to speak.

AdelynWhere stories live. Discover now