Chapter 2

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     A woman, quite young and bundled up in a scarf was sitting in a rather cramped station. She buried herself further into her coat, while her scarf covered her face. Outside, the ground seemed to be painted white, every tree, every car, every building. A man in a reflective orange vest had a large snow shovel; scraping away at the frozen sidewalks. She felt sympathy for the man, his breath steamed from his mouth as if he had just lit a cigarette.

     But the chill was not any less alive in the building. The manager had announced to the extremely cross patrons, that the heater was on the fritz. The audible groans traveled to each wall of the building. The snow was making it hard enough for the buses to come as it was, but now they all would have to wait in the cold of the building. The woman inspected the windows of the building, it was growing steamy from all the heated bodies. 

     She drew little doodles with her finger, the tip of it retracting from the harsh bite that chilled the other side of the glass. She placed her mitten back on her hand.  A small boy whined loudly to his mother, tugging on the pant leg of her snow pants. It was clear that the mother was just as upset about the delays as her young son.

     Though, (Y/N), she did not mind much. She always found a lot of good in a lot of bad. Some people glanced at the snow, seeing it as traffic and freezing cold, but the snow was her excuse to put on mittens and prance around like a mad woman. Of course, the bitter winter breeze passed through her like a ghost; but that just meant she would bundle up even more.

     Next to her was a large duffle bag, filled with various items and clothing. Some pictures that captured some of the most memorable moments in her life, they were her best. All of the clothing was neatly packed, she had taken much time packing, which was strange for (Y/N). She never took much time for anything. But while she was placing her clothes into the old duffle, she would stop constantly with guilt swirling in her mind.

     (Y/N) kicked her boots onto the tiled ground, the slick soles creating a squeaking sound. She continued this for a few seconds before she was could feel glares directed towards her, which caused her to stop. What always confused people when they met her, was how she could have the hobby of photography when she was so impatient. Even she herself was baffled. 

     Her right leg bounced up and down steadily, shaking her body lightly, as well as her chair. How much longer would these people at the front desks take? The one thing she did not need right now was free time to contemplate what she was going to be leaving behind once she jumped on the bus out of the town. 

    She knew what she would be leaving, who she would be leaving. But (Y/N) had surely left enough money. All she had with her in cash was enough for a bus ticket. Her fingers fiddled with the folded up bills. Her chapped lips screamed at her, begging for water. She lifted her chilled metal bottle of water to her lips. The cold water froze her throat as it traveled downwards. Maybe she should have packed (F/D) instead.

     One person ahead of (Y/N) moved forwards by one person, he was a business looking man, a briefcase in hand and a shiny gold watch on his wrist. She sighed, smashing her face between her hands, her elbows digging into her thighs. Between the dreadfully boring music playing and the droning of the complaining people and the television, she could feel her sanity slipping away like water through her fingers. 

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