♥Valentines Special♥

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~Marcus' Room~

Ruth: I'm bored!

Claudia: Ugh! I know right!

Marcus: There's like nothing to do! Plus it's Valentines Day!

Ruth: Really? Already? Wow, time sure does fly.

Marcus: Yep.

Claudia: *suddenly sits up from the bed* I've got an idea! We can through a Valentines party here in the mansion!

Ruth: That's a great idea, but where in the mansion?

Marcus: And what about the Sakamakis? They probably won't allow us to through one, or invite our friends.

Claudia: True. But what if they didn't know.

Ruth: Ok, but how do you expect us to through a big Valentines party without them knowing. Their vampires, they can hear a pen drop from a mile away if they wanted to.

Marcus: But remember, we have friends in high, or dare I say, low places.

Claudia: You don't mean-

Marcus: Yes, I mean HIM.

Ruth: *turns on music*

Marcus: Really?

Ruth:*sticks out tongue and does Grell pose*

Ruth:*sticks out tongue and does Grell pose*

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Marcus:😒*face palms*

Claudia: Anyways, how would Karl be able to help us?

Marcus: He can distract the Sakamakis long enough so we can get the Mukamis and Yui. Then, with their help, can decorate for the party.

Ruth: Yeah, but there's still the question of where. I mean this mansion is freaking big! And we can't just put the party anywhere.

Claudia: Well, there is this old ballroom I found awhile back. It should be big enough. Just needs some dusting.
Marcus: Sweet! I'll call Karl, *points towards Ruth* You call the Mukamis, *points towards Claudia* and you get Yui.

Ruth+Claudia: Sir Yes Sir!


Ruth: The Mukamis said they should be here around 2:30 to help set up.

Marcus: Good. Karl said he would lead the Sakamakis to the other side of town, but only for a couple of hours.

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