~part 32~

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Naina's POV:
The bell rang and everyone stormed out of the classroom.

"Hey Chashmish, can you please do my homework for me?" A guy came up to me and I almost screamed at this sudden arrival.


"What you doin Avi? She's so clever why would she help someone like you?" Bunny thumped Avi on his back and they both laughed while I just kind of hung around awkwardly.

"Friends?" Avi offered a hand.

"No - me first." Bunny said, nudging him away.


I slipped my hand into Bunny's with a smile, and then Avi's.

"See, she likes me more." Bunny teased.

"Heyyyy what's up peeps?" A girl came from behind and wrapped an arm around each other the boy's necks.

"Who's this?" She said, looking me up and down suspiciously.

"Naina. Talwar."

"Woahhh I heard about you - you're that geek aren't you?"

I nodded slightly.

"Dude we're gonna get along great. I'm really clever too. By the way, I'm Aditi."

I giggled at the boys' reaction when she said she's clever.

"What are you studying?" I asked her.

"There we go, look - I don't want a geeky convo, let's talk 21st century."

I was surprised.

"Alright then, what's "21st century"?"

She dragged me away from the busy boys and whispered secretly.

"So. Which guy do you like?"

"Oh, errr - well, I just came so...."

"Oh that's right - you don't believe in love at first sight I'm guessing?"


"Hmm, well - you soon will." She winked and left me amidst an unknown corridor.

I looked around, clutching my books tightly as I tried to find my way back to the classroom.

I was lost.

"Excuse me?" I asked a decent looking girl.

She spun around and almost flicked her hair in my face.

She pouted at me.

"Um, do you know where C12 is?"

"I'm new here honey." She flicked back and I saw her friends laughing in a huddle.

I lowered my head and walked off.

"Honey? That girl really needs some manners." I muttered under my breath.

As I turned to walk through the doorway, a figure thrust himself and leant against the door.

"God, you really scared me just then Bunny."

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