~Bad End~

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-Your POV-

No... I think as I watch the person who loved me and saved my life from this psychopath just... die.
Right there, just like that, the only one left that cared about me was gone.

He risked his life... for me...
I fight back tears as I sit and mourn... finally I just let them flow.
It should have been me who he killed...
I think grimly.
If I hadn't come here this wouldn't have happened.

I glare over at Stingy, who lay on the basement floor, passed out. I really should be running away, but I feel the urge to stay, to make Stingy pay for what he did.

He killed all your friends .

Slowly, I get up and take the knife from Stingy's hands, still soaked with Robbie's blood.

He kidnapped you.

Even more tears flow down my cheeks. My hands shake, my eyes squeeze shut as I fall to my knees.

He tried to rape you.

Slowly, I raise the bloody knife above my head, holding it tightly with both hands to try to ease the inevitable shaking. But I can't.
I wish I could say that I bring the knife down upon him, ending it all, but there's still a part of me that believes that none of this is his fault. And I can't kill him for it.

I drop the knife on the floor, and stumble up the stairs. If I can't beat him, I have to flee. Suddenly, I trip on a loose board on the steps and fall, scratching my knee and leaving a bruise.

I cry out in pain, because it hurts like hell. But I keep moving forward. I can't stop, not until I leave town. Robbie told me to run, and that's just what I'll do. I make it out the door, and by now I'm dashing down the street, and I can taste the sweet flavor of freedom.

Until a sharp pain shoots to my knee, causing me to stumble and almost land face first on the cement. Instead I fall to my knees, and cry out again. It feels like a thousand needles being pushed into my knees. I stand up slowly, and limp on.

As I pass by the now empty buildings, I notice how quiet it is. And although it's hard to tell, I feel as if this bright little town has lost its colour. I feel a tear escape my eye as I look on, remembering all of my good friends.

"Now (Y/n, it wasn't your fault.."
I tell myself quietly. "There wasn't anything you could do.."

The trees sway gently, and I feel calm. I hobble a bit faster as I notice I was getting close to the borders of the little town. I have been walking for 15 whole minutes, and my legs feel tired. I wish that I could run more, but I don't have enough strength in me.

Ugh, if I hadn't been so stupid rushing up those stairs this wouldn't have ever happened.

Feeling weak and tired, I lean against a tree, feeling my back against the trunk. It feels nice.

Breathing in a yawn, I want to go to sleep right here and now. But I know that would be stupid, as I don't have time for that. Napping would be a waste of time, and Stingy will surely be awake by then.

I turn and stand up, looking along the horizon. It's going to be a long walk, but I can manage. I reach into my pockets, but I remember I don't have any money, or a phone. Gee, thanks Stingy.

Sighing, I rub the sleep out of my eyes and try to continue walking. But I notice out of the corner of my eye, something—or someone— of a familiar yellow color.
Please end me now.

"(Y/n)!" It shouts and bolts over to me, as if I'm some lost puppy. Maybe I am a lost puppy. I feel two small arms wrap around my waist as I'm pulled into the chest of none other than the psychopathic yellow demon himself, Stingy.

"Oh (Y/n), my princess, thank heavens you're safe! I was beginning to think I had lost you!" He cries, squeezing me to a point where I actually can't breath.

"I was beginning to hope I'd lost you." I mutter to myself. I grunt and squirm in his tight grip, but I probably bent my leg a bit too far because I feel a pain in my knee and before I know it I'm limp in his arms and whimpering in pain.

"(Y/N)! Aw, you're hurt! Don't worry doll, let's get you home and I'll fix you. I promise I'll make it better." He says, and lifts me up, carrying me bridal style in his arms, back into town.

I want to scream. But I can't.
I want to jump out of his arms. But I can't.
I want this nightmare to be over. But it seems like it's just going to drag on forever and ever.
It'll never end. I'll never escape.
And just like that, all hope in me is lost.

"Come on now (Y/n), you shouldn't resist me so much. I only do what I do out of love." Stingy mutters to me quietly in my ear.


I can't help but smile at the word. Love? Love?! So this is what love is. I suppose so. I've never been shown anything more.
Stingy must love me.

"I love you too, Stingy." I mutter back in a monotonous voice.

Is this love?
It must be.

Stingy only smiles and whispers,
"You're finally mine...
forever and always."

( ᵒ̌ᵒ̌ )=f=i=n=i=s=h=========

( i made the reader Stockholm Syndrome. that's the bad end. one of my friends argues that this is more of a good end, but I don't view Stockholm Syndrome as a good thing. )

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