Big Trouble Who?

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(um once again ignore the gay anime music it's just what I was listening to while I was writing)
(there's a little bit of sexual behavior in this chapter... I'm not good at writing this kind of stuff, so I only put a small amount because this is new and weird. but this chapter is important so just skip all that stuff if u no like it, okay?)


-Your POV-

I smiled as I floated around in the vast emptiness of my sub conscience.
Unfortunately, I had to wake up.
Oh no.

There, sitting in front of me was the crazy kidnapper himself, Stingy.
He sat straddling my hips, lustful eyes and his lips turned up to a smirk.
I glared at him and tried to pull myself up, but I was strapped to a bed.
I realized the situation I was in.

oh no.
this isn't good.
this isn't good at all.

"Aw, my little cinnamon roll is awake!" He squealed like a crazed fanboy.

"S-Stingy, can you please get off of me?" I asked carefully. I know he's capable of killing me at any second, and there would be nothing I could about it.

"Oh doll, you're not going anywhere~" He purred, leaning in close to my face.

"W-what?" I asked, sounding more nervous this time.

"You're such a naive little gumdrop, aren't you?~" He giggled psychotically, running his cold finger along my jawline.
"Remember that little deal we made? You left town and broke the rules, sweetheart. And now I'm going to have to punish you~"

Without any warning, he slammed his lips against mine roughly, as I struggled to break free from the binds that held me down. When he tried to slip his tongue into my mouth, I squeezed my lips together, not wanting to allow him any entrance. He growled into my lips and shoved his hand up my shirt, squeezing my breast roughly.
A tear escaped my eye. I tried to scream but it was muffled by the 'kiss' that I was trapped in.

He eventually pulled away and left little bite marks down my neck to my shoulder, biting me hard on the spot that he heard me gasp the loudest.
I hated it. It felt sick.

"P-please stop..." I said in the loudest voice I could muster. He ignored me and kept biting, whispering the word 'mine' over and over. I shut my eyes tightly, but I couldn't make myself believe that he wasn't there, that my friends were still here, and that there was still hope.

Since when did I become so weak, so helpless? Since when did I ever belong to anyone?
Someone help me...

As if my prayers had been answered, I saw a figure looming over Stingy. I didn't call attention to him though, because I knew that maybe he'd help.
It was so dark, I hadn't a clue who it was.

-???'s POV-

There she was. The girl who I fell in love with in such a short amount of time, being abused by him.
He killed everyone.
But he didn't get me.

Slowly, I moved closer to where they were. I had to save her. To set her free.
She hates him, and I can see it in her eyes.

I hover behind the bed where she's trapped, and slowly inch toward the side, untying the ropes that bound her to the bed. The greedy bastard was too busy biting on her shoulder to notice me.

She notices me, but doesn't say anything or move a muscle.
That's my girl.
Sneaky like a fox.
I crept to the other side and did the same, being careful and not making a sound.

Then I go back behind Stingy and bashed him in the head with a tennis racket.
It was all I could find, but it worked.
He yelped and stopped biting her, much to (Y/n)'s delight. He swiveled around and got up off of her, grabbing a knife from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Smart move, idiot." He growled.

-Your POV-

This guy is here to help me! I felt determined to escape. If he's here to help, I can make it out of here alive and a virgin! I didn't sit up yet though, because I knew that Stingy was going to be upset. I can't leave until I know he's not focused on me.

The guy pulled something out of his pocket– an apple.
Stingy ran to him and tackled him to the ground. It was almost like a fictional death battle, the way that they fought. The mystery guy managed to flip Stingy over so he was on top of the evil son of a b—.

Then, he shouted in a voice that I would recognize anywhere:

"Bite this, you psychotic little greedy dirtbag!"

Robbie. He shoved the apple into Stingy's mouth as Stingy stabbed him in the chest, narrowly missing his heart. Stingy had swallowed some of the apple, which I knew had put him in an unconscious state. Robbie toppled down and fell on his back as I frantically got up and ran over.

"Robbie!" I call, tears escaping my eyes. "You're alive!"
He grabs my hand in his, and looks at me with a remorseful eyes.

"Not for very long, (Y/n). I'm sorry you had to see me go like this. You see, I've done so many wrong things in my life, but loving you wasn't one of them. I'm just glad I could save you, and see you one last time." He confessed, tears pricking his eyes.

I, on the other hand, was sobbing. Robbie may as well have just risked his life for my own. I hugged him and sobbed into his chest. He smiled gently and rubbed my back a little.

"Hey now, what's with the waterworks? Don't worry about me, I'll be okay." He whispered.
"You need to run. Run far away, as fast as you can. And don't look back, no matter what." He told me. I sniffled and wiped my eyes, which did nothing to soothe the ache in my heart.

"I just have one question; why did you leave that day when we were searching?" I asked, my tears still flowing from my eyes.

"It's easy; I knew what Stingy was doing, and there was no way to hide you from him then. I hid, and he must have forgotten about me.
I had to protect you, (Y/n)." He coughed a little, whispering softly.
"And I'm glad that I did."

And then he was gone.


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        | •́•̀) ᵒʳʳᵞ

I'm sorry for brutally attacking your feels. it's just what I do.
I can't help it.))

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