*Good End!*

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I placed a kiss on Robbie's cheek, silently honoring his death. I had to fight back the urge to cry as I began to walk over to the stairs.

Robbie wouldn't have wanted you to cry, I tell myself.

I wasn't prepared for what happened next. Stingy's arm snatches my ankle and I'm pulled to the ground.

"Don't leave me, (Y/n)!" He cries, and I can see tears in his eyes, slipping down his cheeks. "Please, you're all I have left!"
I almost feel sorry for him.


I kick my foot in his face and he lets go of me, still sobbing.
"You can't leave! I need you! Please, don't go!"

I run up the stairs, and scurry to the door, but he follows me and grabs my collar before I can leave the house. I turn to face him, glaring at his teary eyes.

"(Y/n), people out there will hurt you! You'll be lost and alone, and afraid. It's just the way life is. But with me, you're safe and I have you, and everything is okay." He states, staring into my eyes, pulling me closer to him and further from the door.
"It makes me mad when I see other people talk to you. I'm the only one you can have."

I pull my arm up to punch him, but he catches my fist and firmly grasps my wrist in his hand.

"Stop trying to run from me, please..." He whispers.
I try to punch him again but he catches my other wrist and now I'm stuck. For someone of his size, he's really strong.

I try kicking him as I struggle to pull my hands out of his grasp. He seems unfazed by it and continues to draw me in closer to him. He pulls me down and whispers in my ear,

"Wake up, (Y/n)."


I open my eyes and feel the warmth of sunlight on my face. I quickly bolt upright and look around. Is this another one of Stingy's stupid games?

This is my house.
All of my boxes and bags and belongings are scattered on the floor, as if I'd just gotten here.
Did I?

Laying next to me on the floor is a picture frame. Sitting by the door is a pair of (f/c) converse sneakers. I smile, glad to be in the comfort of my own home, yet all seems so familiar.

Wait, what about that weird dream? I can't exactly remember what happened. It was scary, I know that for sure. Was I being chased? I remember it hurt. But what was it? Where was I?
I can't recall.

The dream slips away little by little, and I can't remember what I was even worrying about in the first place.

Sighing, I stand up and slip on my (f/c) converse and I open the front door. The colorful streets of Lazytown, the smell of fresh air, the sunny sky and the sound of laughing children envelope me as I step outside.

A brief moment of déjà vu sweeps over me and I feel as though this has happened once before. But it quickly subsides.

I'll unpack later, I think, beginning to walk along the path down the street.
For now, I think I'll go make some friends.


good job, you finished this book. here, have a cat in a box. ʕ•̫͡ʔ

 /(*゚ー゚) /\
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