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"Beth! Breakfast's on the table!"
"Two seconds mum!" I shout back as I apply the last of my mascara. I like to look natural in my everyday life. I mean I glam up every now and then for special occasions, but I just feel so horrible and clammy when I have a full face of makeup on. I also want people to see me as I am when I meet them - who cares about spots, it's natural and I embrace my imperfections. I used to stare as myself in the mirror and cringe at the sight of my nose, how I thought it was so big for my face and how the small scar on my temple stood out even more when I was tanned. Now I make an effort to get up each morning, look in the mirror and say 3 things which I love about myself. It took a while to get into the whole 'positive outlook' on life but I would end up walking out the house smiling like a kid walking into a free sweet shop.
It's 7:15 by the time I'm done, so I take 2 steps at a time down the stairs and jog into the kitchen where my mum is standing behind the breakfast bar. She just stares at me whilst I literally inhale my cream cheese and salmon bagel.
"Y'know it's kind of creepy staring" I say, looking up from the now clear plate.
"Oh sorry - I was just admiring the speed of which you inhaled your breakfast. Breath Beth, breath..." my mum says, all the while smirking at something behind me. I just ignore what's behind me as it's no doubt my 2 brothers Tom (10yrs) and James (5yrs) making rude faces at me. My dad is in the military and he's been away for 5months and 29 days. Yes I've been counting...
He's supposed to be coming back from tour in Iraq at the end next month, just missing my birthday. He said he is going to make it up to me though because this is the second birthday he's had to miss - in a row.
It doesn't really bother me that much though - the only thing I want if for him to come back in one peace - safe and sound. My mum used to be in the military, but she was forced to quit when she gave birth me. Which I am very glad of - neither Me nor my brothers would be able to cope worrying about both parents.
Anyway, back to someone or something behind me.
I decide to play it cool - so without turning around I get up from the bar and walk over to the sink where I start washing up my plate. Now if you know me, you will understand that I can't go a single 5minutes without listening to some sort of music or singing, so I start singing one of my favourites, a mashup I made the other day.
About half way through the song I'm pulled out of my trance when someone starts singing along with me. When I say singing I mean more of humming, but it'll do.
My eyes widen at the familiarity of the voice - I spin around and come face to face with the one person who I pray for every night. The one person who saves lives by the minute, putting their life in danger doing so. My dad looks at me with tears in his eyes as I stand there speechless, bubbles slowly dropping off my hands into the floor - that being no problem as my dog Eva has no second thoughts about hoovering up the spilled contents. I would normally save her from the shock of the taste of the inedible substance but all I can focus on right now is my dad - MY DAD standing in front of me.
"Oh my god DAD?!?!" I rush at him - tears already falling down my cheeks as I hug him as tight as possible, making sure he can't slip through my embrace, making sure this isn't one big heartbreaking dream.
"My baby girl" my dad cries into my shoulder - I've ever seen my dad cry before, making me cry even more into his uniform. We stand there there for a solid 5 minutes. I've always been a daddy's girl, through thick and thin.
"W...when did you get back?" I stutter through sobs as I start to calm down.
"Plane landed last night. It was your mothers idea to surprise you" he says into my hair.
"I can't believe you're here! This is all I want for my birthday" I say into his now tear sodden shoulder.
"Darling your birthday hasn't even started yet. You wait until later, you've got the best birthday surprise ever " he replies with an audible smile in his voice.
And so we just stand their for a while longer, savouring the embrace.

"Oh shit! School starts in 5 minutes! Dad can you drive me?!" I exclaim as realisation hits me.
"1) language Miss Morgan, but 2) I suppose..." dad replies with a beaming smile on his face.
"Come on then hurry up you slow coach!" I shout as I hurry out of the door.

Time Skip

"Agh! Fresh air!" I shout as my best friend (Esme) and I walk thought the main doors of school at the end of the day, gaining some strange looks from people but who cares, if they don't appreciate my running commentary then stuff them!
"Today went sooo slowwwly..." Esme whines. Esme is by far the smartest person I know. It's kind of unfair if you ask me - how is someone so good at EVERYTHING? All you see on her report is A*, A, excellent, very good. Blah blah if you ask me, a B stands for Bloody Amazing. Well that's what I say to myself when I get my report back. Don't get me wrong - I'm a smart girl I'm just not one of those people who can look at a whole essay for 5 mins and rewrite it in 2. Esme however, is.

"Do you want a ride home Ez?" I ask her. Ez lives a 5minute walk from school, but I always offer her a ride home because that's what best friends do.
"Um if it's no trouble?"
"Jesus Esme. How many lifts have I given you? Hundreds, but you still have to be the goody two shoes and be so god damn polite! It's a simple yes or no question - comprendo?" I exclaim through my own laughter.
"Yes then Beth. Honestly when you're famous you better get me my own car when I'm 17..." she grumbles, barely hiding her smile and blooming blush.
"Aw the little baby is blushing!" I shout to the whole population of the school, turning a little more than few a heads.
"Shut up!" She hisses, slapping my arm in the process and jogging to my dad's car which had just pulled up.
"Hey dad! Can we drop Esme off on the way home? Thanks!" I say without waiting for an answer.
"Hey Mr Morgan..." esme says as she climbs into the back seat.
"Jesus Esme, just call me Dave, how many times have I told you, you're like a 2nd daughter to me" he says while chuckling and pulling out onto the road. I cast a knowing glance back at Esme who just rolls her eyes at me.
To pass time I roll down the windows and connect my phone to the aux cord, both my dad and esme groaning as I select a playlist and crank up the volume. San Francisco by 5sos starts playing, so I automatically start singing away to one of the best songs ever created. 'Held By Me' by The Vamps is playing by the time we pull up in Esmes driveways. Waving goodbye as she unlocks the front door I start singing again, my dad joining in when The Arctic Monkey start playing, moving onto AC/DC and Nirvana.

As we pull into the driveway, dad tells me to leave my bags in the boot and just go straight to my room.
I'm curious so I oblige, running up to my room and barging in, only to find a simple envelope on my bed.
I pick it up and sit down, gently opening it up, careful not to rip it and slowly I start to read.
Dear Bethan Lucy Morgan,
Recently one of our member have discovered your Instagram account. We have spoken together to the management and producing team, and have decided we would like to invite you to have a few taster days at our studios. Your parents have informed me that you have a great passion for music and your dream is to release your own music and tour the world. We would love to help you along with your dream, so if you would like to (we would very much like you to), you can come and work with us for a week or so, deciding for yourself if this is what you really want, and if it is we would love to help you produce you first proper single.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours Faithfully
Joe Evans
Head of BBC Recording Studios
01900 268537

By now I am aware that my parents have joined me on my bed, awaiting my reaction.
I am in pure shock. Never in my life did I think that the BBC would notice me. Just a 15 year old girl from the UK, living in the country.
My parents let out a huge sigh and start laughing as I bounce up and down on my bed shouting hundred of questions simultaoniously.
"Calm down Beth! We leave tonight, we stay at a hotel in London and you get to spend a week in the studio. Now go and start packing!" My mum says through her laughter.

And with that my parents leave my room to make dinner together. Leaving me to wonder why the next week will be like. I smile to myself, blast my music through my massive speakers and start packing...

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