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"She looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear..." my eyes flutter open and a cringe at the bright light coming through the curtains. "And I know now, that I'm so..." I zone in on the angelic voice coming from the bathroom in my hotel room.
Hold up - MY room...
I mean the room which I share with no one.
I stalk down the hallway and fling open the bathroom door to be greeted by a half naked Micheal Clifford standing with a towel wrapped around his bottom half and singing whilst brushing his teeth. Consequently, getting toothpaste all over my sink...
Micheal 'squeals' and waves his hands about, trying to gesture for me to get out without spraying the contents of his mouth everywhere.
"MICHEAL GORDON CLIFFORD WHAT THE FRIK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM?!" I exclaim as he spits out the contents of his mouth.
"Awww I love how we've reached the nickname level of friendship! Come give your favourite band member a hug!" Mikey coos, smothering me in a soggy bear hug.
"Ugh mikey seriously, why you in my room having a shower mate...?"
"Oh yeah, that. I slept on your sofa last night to make sure you were ok. Con carried you back last night because you fell asleep and your were really restless like you were having a nightmare or something so I kind of watched over you I guess..." Mikey says, scratching the back of his head.
Woah. Someone other than my family cares about me enough to watch out for me....
" have no idea how much that means to me..." I choke out.
"Come on Bee, let's get some breakfast" Mikey says.
"Alright Cliffaconda..." I say, smirking. If that's how you want to play it, game on Clifford...

The boys and I ended up grabbing breakfast at Greggs across the road from the studio. I had a pastry whilst the boys seemed to have everything that was on display...

"So what are you doing today?" I ask the boys whom are stuffing their mouths with their 'breakfast'.

"Well that's a surprise" Tristan says shooting a smirk in my direction.

"pleaaaaassseee tell me...?" i say, giving James puppy eyes, i know it's his weakness.

"Nooooooooooooooo..." James whines back.

I give in, I'll just have to wait to find out. What do they mean by surprise though?


Im sitting by the soundboards, listening to the demo of my single I just got recorded. Im so shocked that my dream is actually happening ,that I don't hear footsteps coming up behind me until a pair of arms sneak around my waist and start tickling me. Luke. I squirm under his attack and in the end I'm laughing so hard that tears are rolling down my cheeks. Calum comes rushing in but once he sees the situation he just laughs and sits on my legs whilst tickling my feet. We all slowly start to get tired and tickling ceases, but our toothy grins remain plastered on our faces. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met these boys...

Both bands have interviews now, so they said they would meet me back at the hotel in Mikey and Ashton's room around 5pm ready for pizza. They left about an hour ago and I'm all wrapped up in the Studio so I say bye to the producing team and leave the building.

Broadham Street was impossible to get through as the boys were having their meet and greets there, so I decide to cut through the alleys to my right. Calum and I had walked through there the other night to collect the pizzas from Dominos down the road. I know the way, so don't really think about it as i make my way through the rubbish filled alleys.

Do you ever get the 'feeling' of watched. I know it all sounds cheesy and cliche, but do you? The last time i felt like this was when Dylan attacked Lauren and I after the I speed up, trying to make it back to hotel and out of these alleys as quick as possible.

A moment later, the only warning I get are a few heavy, angry footsteps before harsh pain erupts on the side of my face and I'm on the floor. I cry out when my head is yanked back and I feel warm, stale breathe on the side of my face.

"Bitch!"a voice spits on my ear. My heart stops when the familiarity of the voice pieces together. The adrenaline is all too much that I'm trembling. Half from fear, but the other from the thrill of fighting for my life. Yes, life. Don't forget, the last time I saw this physco, i foiled his plans, e stabbed me, and i got him arrested...yeah...

Pain explodes (along with my nose...) in my face as he continually slams my face back down onto the concrete. This goes on for about 10 seconds before he stops, panting. He then kicks my side, and i whimper as my ribs groan beneath the abuse. He continues to hid, punch and kick me until i stop crying out start sliding into unconsciousness. But Dylan makes sure that i stay awake with some sort of drug he pours onto a cloth and holds it over my mouthing nose. I don't know how it works but to my dismay I can no longer will myself to black out.

For what i can assume as about 10 minutes later, he catches may attention when he slowly pulls out a knife, very much like the one he stabbed me with at our last encounter. I'm trembling now, scrabbling at the cold, hard floor to put as much distance between us as possible. He kicks me onto my back, so I'm vulnerably lying beneath the knife wielding man.

"Beth...beth...beth" He tutts. "Why did you have to get involved? Hmmm? You could have just let me do what I wanted to do and you wouldn't be...well, here" Dylan sighs. I didn't realise I was crying. Im thinking about my family, my friends and the boys. What will they do when I'm not waiting in the hotel room? Have they finished their meet and greets yet? Are they looking for me as we speak? Have they even noticed I'm gone...?

But I'm pulled out of my thoughts as a scream. I've only ever felt this pain once in my life before and I'm pretty sure you can guess where. All i can see through my bloodied and blurry vision is the knife being yanked out of my shoulder at an angle, tearing my skin even more. My whole body is numb and all i can feel is the pounding in my head as a see dylan's silhouette disappearing down the alley. I'm trying to shout for help, but my throat is so swollen from the strangling events earlier that i find myself hoarse. I can feel myself drifting off into unconsciousness. I've got to stay awake unless i want to bleed out alone in this alleyway. I attempt to roll onto my stomach to drag myself to people, but a splitting pain prevents me from even moving. As i close my eyes, I just hope someone finds me before its too late.

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