Where am I?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Creepypasta

"Shit, seriously he always takes their side!" A teenage boy wearing goggles with orange lenses and a mouth guard with brown hair growling to himself in frustration. He had just gotten into a huge fight with the other creepypastas and what's worse Slendy took their side he was so mad he ran out of the mansion hope to either stay on here until he calms down or finds a victim to take his anger out on.

He stopped walking when he saw a light not too far away he smirked thinking it was a group of people camping out of curiosity he approached the light but sighed in disappointment when there was no people nearby for him to kill he sighed and was about to head back feeling much better when he heard something clicking. He looked and saw what was causing that light he approached and saw it looked like a portal from a sci-fi film or book. "I wonder if it really works or it's fake?" His neck twitches making a ticking noise he turned it on and realized a little too late that it was indeed real. The portal had a powerful suckage he tried to get away but it was too strong so he tried using his hatchets digging them to the ground but that didn't help his situation so he was sucked in and everything went black.

When Toby woke up he had not idea where he was he looked around and saw he was in some kind of village but it was in massive panic he looked and saw a bunch of people running and screaming he didn't understand why or what was going on until he saw what looked like a giant red/orange fox with nine tails attacking the village.

He frowned when he saw a man trying to seal it away inside an infant. He scoffed at that knowing that wasn't going to help in fact it was just going to make things worse for the kid in the future since he knows that demon energy is made entirely up of negative emotions and is like poison to people so the only things he'll end up doing is killing his own child.

He looked around and his eyes widened when he saw a flashing light heading towards him knowing what it was he tried to go away but in the end he was sealed away as well inside the young girl's brother when he woke up again he saw nothing but an empty dark room he knew he was inside one of the kids and he had to have he was sealed inside the boy he sighed once more and sat down and proceeded to wait for his container to visit him until then he decided to watch through the kid's eyes to see how things play out.

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