• Chapter 4 •

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Eggsy's POV
     y/n curled up on the couch next to me. She laid her head against my chest. y/n looked so perfect. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and sighed still feeling discontent.

"I miss it."


"Yup. I miss the action. The adventure. The thrill. The people. I miss it all."

"I do too. Working in the field was so much fun. Especially when I got to work with you."

     We laid there in silence holding each other like we were never going to see each other again. I could tell she was drifting off to sleep. Her breathing slowed and she lay still as water. I stroked her head and played with her beautiful amber hair. I wonder what y/n 's thinking. She's adorable. I closed my eyes. Today was such a long day. Why can't there be any action in America?

- Flashback : winter of 2025 London, England -

"Hello? This is Eggsy Unwin."

"Hello Eggsy. We need your help."

"Ok Merlin, I'm on my way. I'll be there in about fifteen minutes."

"Eggsy, don't forget to disconnect this number."

"I won't, don't worry. Also, have you found anything on y/n?"

Actually, yes I did. You'll have to find out later though you need to hurry up."

"Will do Merlin."

I left the subdivision excited. I'll finally get to know about y/n. It's been 5 years since I saw her. I wonder what she'll think about me when I meet her. I've imagined it perfectly. I'll contact her via letter. She'll meet me in a restaurant in America. Our eyes will find each other and enjoy a nice dinner. I'll take her on a midnight stroll under the stars. It'll be amazing. I looked up and immediately saw a pole right before I ran into it. Gosh dang it! That frickin hurt! I checked my watch. Five minutes till I have be there. Frick. I'm going to be so late. Merlin's never going to let me go on another mission.

     I ran to the tailor shop and quickly went to the dressing room. I pressed my hand against the mirror and finally entered the capsule.

"You're exactly five minutes late."

"Merlin, I'm so sorry. It won't happen again!"

"It better not. We have a lot of work to do so get ready quickly."

"Where's Roxy?"

"She's getting suited up. You better hurry before the other Kingsmen leave."

I walked into the room and saw Roxy almost in full suit.

"Hey Eggsy, where've you been?"

"Well that's become obvious by now. Have you found anything more on y/n?"

"No. Merlin said he would tell me, so far, he hasn't told anything."

"Maybe he'll tell you after this."

"I hope so. It's been 5 blooming years!"

We walked to headquarters and sat, waiting for the mission information. Merlin shuffled in the room, looking nervous.

"Other agencies are growing restless. Our American counterparts are suspicious of us. I need both of you to work as a team to track and stop all suspicions. We don't need them to think we are hiding anything."

We nodded our heads almost in unison. Will y/n be associated with the Americans? What will happen next?

- end of flashback | present day -

     My eyes flashed open. I could hear a skillet in the background and my whole body was sore. I found myself sprawled across the couch with a thin blanket wrapped around me. I rubbed my eyes trying to remember what happened yesterday.

"Hey sleeping beauty. You're finally awake."

     I stood up and my knees gave out.


"You okay there Eggsy?"

     She questioned me laughing.

"Yes. I just, uh, my knees gave out and I... I fell."

"Well I can see that," y/n said grinning from ear to ear. "I'm making breakfast and it's almost done so you better hurry up and get dressed."

I stood up and shuffled awkwardly to the kitchen. I quickly kissed her cheek and headed for the bedroom. She turned around looking greatly surprised and completely red.

"Did I shock you?"

"Yes, you caught me way off guard!" She laughed barely audible.

"Did you like it at least?" I said smirking like a teenage boy.

"Actually, I did. Now, get dressed or you won't get any breakfast!"

"Will do ma'am!"

I pretended to run to the bedroom. I could hear her say "He's such a goofball!"

I came out of the bedroom wearing the silliest outfit I could put together. I wore a neon yellow and light gray striped dry-fit athletic shirt, light gray dress pants, fluffy red cabin socks, a white visor, and a plaid knitted scarf. I strutted in to the kitchen waiting for y/n to look.

"Be truthful. How fabulous do I look?"

She slowly turned around and gasped.

"What are you wearing?!"

"You said to be dressed and so I got dressed! It's magnificent right?"

I replied grinning from ear to ear. I started to catwalk and she laughed so hard.

"I guess it's great. I mean, those dress slacks are looking great with athletic shirt!"

"Why thank you my lady!" I exclaimed with a bow.

"Your very welcome except if you want to be served, you must wear appropriate clothing for work."

I tried to make a questioned expression.

"Hm. Look fabulous or eat breakfast? That is a tough choice. But, I would gladly like to eat today so I'll change."

"Okay, but before you change I must take a picture of this to keep!"

I posed and y/n took the picture. I slowly walked to the bedroom, and changed into proper attire. It smelled delicious throughout the entire house.

I grabbed a plate from the cabinet and put sausage and pancakes topped with strawberries and whipped cream on my plate.

"Y/N this looks absolutely delicious!"

"Thank you Eggsy."

She got on her tiptoes to kiss me. I set the plate down on the island and embraced her taking in the sweet smell of her perfume.

"The meal was exquisite," I replied greatfully after licking my lips.

"I figured you'd like it. Now, off to work. We have a lot to do!"

I hugged y/n and left the house. Today was a great way to start off the week. I wonder what will happen at the office today.

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