• Chapter 5 •

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"Ow. My neck hurts."

I stretched my arms out accidentally punching Eggsy in the face. I jolted up and immediately examined him.

"Oh my gosh. Eggsy are you okay?"

He covered his face with his hands half asleep and groaned.

I didn't get a response and took that as an okay. I might as well start breakfast now that I'm awake. I headed for the kitchen and began to make sausage and pancakes. Mm it's starting to smell delicious. Eggsy started to fidget on the couch and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey sleeping beauty. You're finally awake."

I turned around to flip the pancakes and heard Eggsy.


"You okay there?"

"Yes. I just, uh, my knees gave out and I... I fell."

"Well I can see that. I'm making breakfast and it's almost done so you better hurry up and get dressed."

     He stood up and shuffled to the kitchen. I continued with the pancakes and was about to finish cooking the sausage but then Eggsy unexpectedly kissed me and headed for the bedroom. I turned around in utter shock and felt my cheeks heating up.

"Did I shock you?" He said almost in the bedroom.

"Yes, you caught me way off guard!"
"Did you like it at least?"

He was smirking like a teenage boy.

"Actually, I did. Now, get dressed or you won't get any breakfast!"

"Will do ma'am!"

     I mumbled, "He's such a goofball."

     Setting the table, I glanced up for a moment and saw him wearing a neon yellow and light gray striped dry-fit athletic shirt, light gray dress pants, fluffy red cabin socks, a white visor, and a plaid knitted scarf.

"Be truthful. How fabulous do I look?"

"What are you wearing?!"

"You said to be dressed and so I got dressed! It's magnificent right?"

I about fell on the ground laughing so hard.
"I guess it's great. I mean, those dress slacks are looking great with athletic shirt!"

"Why thank you my lady!" He dramatically bowed as if he were a king.

"You're very welcome except if you want to be served, you must wear appropriate clothing for work."

"Hm. Look fabulous or eat breakfast? That is a tough choice. But, I would gladly like to eat today so I'll change."

"Okay, but before you change I must take a picture of this to keep!"

He posed gracefully like a model from a magazine as a pulled out my phone and took the picture.

"Y/N this looks absolutely delicious!"

He grabbed a plate with pancakes topped with whipped cream and strawberries.

"Thanks love."

Getting on my tiptoes, I kissed him and he grabbed me waisted and pulled me towards him.

"The meal was exquisite," he replied licking his lips.
"I figured you'd like it. Now, off to work. We have a lot to do!"

We hugged and Eggsy left for work.

- Flashback : winter of 2025 California, United States -

     "I'm so nervous. I can't believe I'm going to London to work in the field!" I chattered excitedly to my best friend Lyssa.

"You get to work in a different country and you'll get to meet mystery boy Eggsy Unwin!"

"I sure hope so. It'll be luck if I ever get to see him again." I sighed wondering if it was all a dream. Was it all a figment of my imagination or was this boy actually real?

     I said my farewells to everybody and left for the airport with the captain. He hailed a cab and we sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Make sure to brush up on your language. In England, there are many different meanings of words and slang. Try to fit in as much as possible."

"Will do captain. I'll make sure to review everything about England on the plane ride."

"Good. I believe you can do it. I'm putting a lot of confidence in you."

"Thank you sir."

The airport was crowded as usual and people were buzzing in and out of cars. I jumped out of the cab, thanking the driver, and left a tip. Gathering my luggage and the ticket captain handed to me, I shuffled to the airline desk to check in. Then, I went through all of security systems and went to sit at the gate to my flight. Ah. Now I can relax and relearn about England. I glanced at my ticket. First-class?? Wow, business trips really do have their perks.

- end of flashback | present day -

"Please be the day. Please be the day. Please be the day." I begged staring at the computer sitting in the office at home.

     I made sure no one could track me on the internet and went to a special site only for people with government jobs could access. Every time I have tried to search for Kingsman, the results seem to be inconclusive and unable to access.

"Okay internet. Please don't fail me this time."

     I typed Kingsman in the search bar and squeezed my eyes shut saying a quick little prayer. I opened them and saw a loading bar. Could this actually work? Is Kingsman working again? The bar was at fifty percent and started to slow down.

"No no no no no. Don't quit now! C'mon internet. Don't die now."

     It moved to fifty-five, then sixty, and kept moving forward.

"Yes! You can do it computer!" I was practically screaming at the computer by this point.

     It hit seventy-five and immediately jumped to ninety. I sat in shock wondering if this could actually work. Ninety-one, ninety-five, ninety-eight, ninety-nine. It froze at ninety-nine for a few seconds and I grew worried.

"No! Don't freeze!"

     As if it heard me, the bar moved to one-hundred percent. The Kingsman symbol lit up on my computer screen. Oh my gosh it works. They're not dead. Kingsman is functioning again. I sat in silence and awe of what just occurred.

"Wait, what am doing? I need to inform Eggsy!"

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