Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day!

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I sat in my first period class, bored out of my mind. Who needs to know this math? I doubt we'll ever use this. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked to make sure the teacher wasn't looking before getting it out and hiding it under my desk.

From: Amber

I have a surprise for you at lunch. Happy valentine's day!

I slid my phone back into my pocket, not even paying attention to the teacher anymore. Oh god, what is she planning? We're not even together...

I sat in my seat at lunch, nervously fidgeting as I looked around the cafeteria, curious yet scared of what Amber could be planning. The cafeteria doors swung open and the cheerleading team came in, each person holding something. Some girls were holding roses, some were holding bunches of roses, and others were holding chocolate boxes. Oh god, Amber. They made two lines parallel to each other and Amber came flipping in, doing a bunch of moves I couldn't even tell you the names of, until she landed in front of me on her knees. "Good morning, Avery." She grinned, the cheerleaders making their way over.

"Good afternoon, Amber... What's all this though?" I tilted my head and stood, pulling her off her knees so she was standing with me.

"It's Valentine's Day, so I figured I'd go all out for you." She blushed, smiling widely. The cheerleaders then handed me all the roses, but setting the chocolate boxes on the table.

They stood in a formation, and I could tell it was a heart. "Amber... Oh my god. This is so much... I feel so bad that all I got you was this." I reached in my bag and took out a rose, except it was fake and the flower part was made of chocolate, handing it to her.

She shook her head and took it, smiling. "It's perfectly alright, Avery. It still means a lot because it's from you." People around us aww'd and I groaned. She giggled. "Seems like we have an audience..."

"Who wouldn't with what you did?" I smiled at her. "Now come here." I pulled her close and softly kissed her, ignoring all the eyes on us. I used to hate Valentine's Day... Now I don't.

A/N: I'm a few days late and I know it's short, sorry. There's been a lot going on. I felt bad for not uploading for a month, so I hope this is okay for until I upload next :) Thanks for reading and being patient!

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