Sometimes It Just Rains

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EVEN: [spread out across Isak's bed, his forehead resting on Isak's thigh while he does homework] Tell me a story.

ISAK: [his nose is buried in his Biology book] Hmm?

EVEN: Tell me a story.

ISAK: [still working] About what?

EVEN: Anything. Us.

ISAK: [looks up, confused] A story about us?

EVEN: [nods]

ISAK: [noting the faraway look in Even's eyes, he pushes his books aside and slides down to lie next to him] A story.

EVEN: A good one. Happy.

ISAK: [runs his hand through Even's hair, curling it back behind his ear] summer, we go to New York.

EVEN: We do?

ISAK: Yep. We go to New York to see the Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State Building, all of that.

EVEN: [sighs softly] That would be cool.

ISAK: Mm hmm, it will be. You design a tour of the city and show me all of your favourite film locations. But we don't stop there.

EVEN: [inching closer to snuggle more] No?

ISAK: [puts his arm under Even's head, letting him rest on his shoulder] No, we take the train down to Philadelphia.

EVEN: [throws his arm across Isak's abdomen] Ohhh, Twelve Monkeys.

ISAK: Whatever, for me it's all about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. We go to Paddy's Pub.

EVEN: [soft laugh] Of course we do.

ISAK: It's essential. [resumes playing with Even's hair] I make you go the the historic area so we can pretend we're Nicolas Cage in National Treasure.

EVEN: I hope I get a reward for that.

ISAK: [presses a quick kiss to Even's lips] You do. We go to Washington D.C., but we don't stay long. Trump doesn't like foreigners.

EVEN: True. So where do we end up?

ISAK: In Atlanta. Lots of TV shows film there, and we try to sneak onto the sets. You convince the crew of The Walking Dead that you belong there.

EVEN: [chuckling] I do?

ISAK: You do, and it works for about half a day. Then we get caught.

EVEN: Uh oh.

ISAK: It's okay, though, because - me being me - I talk us out of any serious trouble. And, you being you, they're so impressed with your ideas for the show that they hire you for that episode. As an intern, though. Can't work legally.

EVEN: [nods] Foreigner.

ISAK: Exactly. We don't want to get deported before our holiday ends, so you work for free and get a lot of experience.

EVEN: That's pretty cool.

ISAK: Very cool.

EVEN: [a tear escapes his eye, Isak brushes it away] Then what, do we go to L.A.?

ISAK: No, by that time I'm over the whole Hollywood angle.

EVEN: You put up with it for so long already.

ISAK: I do, so you take me to the beach. In the Carolinas, I think. Or maybe Florida.

EVEN: [tilts his head up] You don't know?

ISAK: I'm peering into the future, here. The details are fuzzy.

EVEN: [a small smile graces his full lips] I see.

ISAK: There it is.

EVEN: What?

ISAK: My smile. [he cups Even's cheek and kisses him, nuzzles his nose and notes the wetness on his boyfriend's cheeks] When we get to the beach, the sun is setting. There aren't many people because it's late in the season. Late in the day.

Even clings to him, tears silently falling. Isak knows by now that it happens from time to time. That sadness will invade Even's bright, beautiful mind and create shadows. Sometimes he retreats into himself, other times he reaches out to Isak.

EVEN: [after some silence] It sounds beautiful.

ISAK: [tracing circles on Even's back] It is. We sit in the sand and watch the sky change. You describe it in that way you have, like you're directing the film in your mind. And I see it, it's gorgeous, and melancholy, and full of joy, all at the same time.

EVEN: [closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, another tear slips down his nose] Isak...

ISAK: [almost whispering] And we kiss, we hold hands.

EVEN: In public?

ISAK: Yeah, though there isn't really anyone around. It's just us.

EVEN: [after a beat] I like it when it's just us.

ISAK: Me too, baby.

EVEN: does the story end?

ISAK: [brushes his lips over Even's before kissing his forehead and pulling him in even closer] You know? I don't think it does.

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