Sasuke's birthday!

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You and Obito lay in bed next to each other. You also clean off the cum that was on your face with a napkin.

"You made Madara mad (name~)" Obito laughed

"It's your fault you wanted to have sex!~" you punch Obito's arm

"Ow! (Name) hehe just kidding!~" Obito laughs

You and Obito put on pajamas you wore a black shirt with shorts on and Obito just had his boxers on. Moments later Itachi, Madara, and Sasuke came into the camper.

"Smells like sex in here!!!" Itachi plugged his nose

"You guys couldn't wait till we got back home!!!???" Madara said angrily

You both smile and cuddle each other and tried to go to sleep. Madara somehow manages to sleep with Itachi and Sasuke. You all fall asleep to the cold summer air.

Next morning

Obito woke you up to the wake of dawn.

"(Name) wake up!"

"Why...?" You mumble

"It's Sasuke's birthday today he's 16 today!!" Obito smiles

"REALLY!?" You whisper

You and Obito get out of the camper and make some breakfast which was breakfast burritos with eggs, sausage, cheese, salsa, and tortilla. You were making the sausage while Obito was doing the eggs. The smell woke up Madara so he got out of the camper and his hair was wild looking.

"Hehe Madara you look like you had a crazy night!!" Laughed Obito

"Like you should be talking... so what where you and (name) doing in the camper then?"  Smiled Madara

"Shut up! I was in the moment!" Obito looked away

You just smile and giggle a bit. Obito looks at you and blushes. Madara sits down in his chair and used his fire style to start a fire.

"I think we had a great time Obito!" You smiled at Obito

"Ya we did!! I thought I was amazing and of course you were loud and got us caught!!" He smirks at you

"Hey it's your fault that we had sex in the first place Obito not me!" You glare

"NO ONE CARES!!" Yells Madara

You and Obito look at Madara and didn't say another word. Madara growled and watched the wood burn from the flames. Itachi then woke up he stretched his toned body and came out shirtless you try not to look but you stare even though he had a great body.

"STOP LOOKING (name)!!!!" Obito sees you looking at him

"I WASN'T LOOKING!!!" You turn red

Itachi smiles and puts his black shirt on. Madara just watches the whole time he didn't even said a word.

"(Name) if you think Obito and Itachi have a good body they only have a six pack and I have a eight pack!" Madara smirks

Madara takes off his shirt and you see his SEXY EIGHT PACK!!!! With his muscular body and a v line. His body was perfect with his long black hair you had a nosebleed. Madara laughs and puts his shirt back on.


"So she needs to see a true sexy body which you guys lack~" he smirks

"At least we aren't in bad shape Obito we don't need eight packs we are good looking enough!" Itachi smiled

"True..." Obito said

It was time to eat you had everyone's food ready but Sasuke was still asleep so Itachi got him up. Sasuke and Itachi came out and you all yell.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SASUKE!!!!" Everyone yells

Sasuke smiles

"Thanks guys you are the best! Wait (name) is that your famous BREAKFAST BURRITO!!!!????" He asked excitedly

"Yes it is Sasuke help yourself!" You smile

"Best friends for life girl you and me!!" He takes a plate and eats it

Everyone eats breakfast the scent do eggs and sausage filled the air. When everyone was done eating you all go to the bathrooms to shower and brush teeth. You are in the shower. You take off your clothes and start the warm water you wash your hair with coconut shampoo and conditioner. When you were done you were just gonna relax till Obito came in naked into the shower.

"OBITO!!" You yell

"What?" He asked looking puzzled

"Get out you're not supposed to be in here!!!" You try to get him out

"Relax (name) no one will know~" Obito kisses you

You let him stay in the shower with you. He kisses your back and wraps his arms around you. You blush and kiss his cheek ten minutes has went by and you two finally get out.

"(Name) I love you~" Obito smiles

"I love you too Obito~" you kiss him and he kisses back


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