Camping part two

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When you and Obito get out of the shower and fully dressed Sasuke saw you guys.

"Obito did you really just take a shower with (name)!?" His eyes widen

"No..." he lied

"You liar!" He runs

You just turn red and head back to camp with Obito. As you get back Madara and Itachi look at you and they smile

"Why you smiling?" You asked

"Obito took a shower with (name)!!" Laughs Itachi

You laugh while Obito turns super bright red and tries not to laugh. Later that day you guys ate some sandwiches for lunch and just sat by the campfire. Itachi was getting out Sasuke's birthday cake so you guys could eat it. Madara watches you and Obito just to make sure you two didn't mess around 😏.

"Itachi you got my cake ready!?" Asked Sasuke

"Almost but can you get some plates and forks?" Asked Itachi

Sasuke nods and gets the plates and forks

Itachi yells to come eat the cake you all rush to the cake and eat the chocolate cake

"Yummy!!" Said Sasuke

"This is really good Itachi" said Madara as he ate one piece

"Thanks Madara!" Itachi smiles

You eat it and smiled as the sweet taste of chocolate with vanilla frosting went in your mouth. Obito looks at you

"Obito this is really good!!" You smile

"Ya it is~" Obito eats another piece

Then he smirks and smashes his cake in your face and he laughs. You didn't laugh and you took your cake and shoved it down his shirt.

"Asshole!!" He yells

"You started it!!" You yell back

He chases you around the camp site he laughs and you start screaming and try to get away but he grabs you and licks the cake off your face. Itachi and Sasuke join in by throwing cake at you and chases after you. Then Obito thought of the stupidest thing ever he smashes cake into Madara's face and everyone pauses and looks at Obito.

"Oh no!" Sasuke yelled

"Obito... YOU'RE DEAD YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!" Yelled Madara as he grabbed all of the cake and smashed Obito's face in it and he laughs

Everyone stays still for a moment and you laugh so hard that everyone started to laugh.

"Obito you're so dumb!!!" Itachi said as he laughed

"That's what he get for attacking Madara with cake!!" Laughs Sasuke

"Obito you alright!!" You laugh

"Ya I'm good (name)!" He kisses you

You kiss him back and everyone yells eww

"(Name)?" Asked Sasuke

"Ya?" You replied
"Thanks for being here and being my best friend! You made this day the best birthday ever!" Sasuke hugs you

You smile


"Well... I'm gonna shower since dumbass decided to get us all dirty!" Laughs Madara as he leaves with his towel

Everyone decided to take a shower but Obito went into the men's this time so he could talk with Madara.

Obito pov

He turns on the water and gets undressed.

"Hey Madara?" Obito asked

"Ya?" He replied

"Should I marry (name)? I love her so much!" He smiles

"You guys have dated for only a WEEK!!!!" His eyes widen

"I know but I want a family with her and grow old~" he laughs

"Son I'm gonna tell you this if you're gonna be with her treat her right. Listen to her and show her that you care about her! And most important make sure you don't get her pregnant unless you want a family!" Madara replied

"Wow you actually gave me good advice~!" He laughs

"SHUT UP!!!" He yelled

Madara now lost the girl that he loved. He was broken on the inside he cared for you even though he's older then you he's 28 years old. He looked upset

"Uncle...?" Obito asked

"Ya?" He replied

"I'll take your advice and I'll wait a few years from now to ask."

"Good I'm proud of you!" Madara laughs

As they shower in separate showers they took their time cleaning themselves.

Outside everyone done

You see Obito and you run up to him and tackle him down.

"OBITO!!!!" You kiss his cheek.

"Hey (name) ready to go home now?~" he asked

"No!!!" You yell

"To bad!" He laughed and carries you bridal style

Madara looked at you two. He was heart broken


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