Pain and meet an old friend

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When you wake up you never felt so much pain in your life! Obito was gone he left for work but he was sweet enough to leave you a love note

(Name) I left for work I hope you feel sore 😏 and maybe we will have fun again~

You smile and hold the card to your chest. You've only dated Obito for two days now and yet you guys had sex already you didn't care what people will think of you all you,know that Obito loves you and you love him. You fall asleep again and you didn't wake up till Obito waked you up.

"(Name) get up you've been sleeping all day!" Obito chuckled

"W... what time is it?" You ask

"2:49 now get up!" Obito picks you up

"I'm sooo sore though!" You blush

"Good~ let that be a lesson to you (name)" he smirks

"I'll let you know when I want a lesson!~" You kiss his cheek

He smiles and carries you to the kitchen and makes you lunch

"How was work?" You ask

"Pain we had to fight and bring this one guy to prison and I had a hard time catching him!" He sighs

"With the Sharingan you should've easily got him!" You sit on his lap and he sits on a chair

"True but I like a little challenge with my enemies" He smiles

"Obito you so dumb~" you kiss him and he kisses you back

You kiss him for at least a minute and Obito breaks the kiss.

"Wanna go over to Itachi's house?" He asked

"Sure why not I haven't seen little Sasuke for a long time!!" You whine

Time skip to Itachi's house

"Who said you two could come over?" Little Sasuke asked

You just wrap Sasuke up in your arms

"SASUKE!!!" You yell

"HEY MISSED YOU!!" Sasuke hugs you back and blushes

"What's going on here?" Asked Itachi

You let go of Sasuke and tackle Itachi

"ITACHI!!!" You yell

Obito smiles and take your waist and holds you.

"We came to hangout and since I've been dating this girl for only two days I've got some news. Sasuke you should leave though and (name)" said Obito

You and Sasuke left to go play some Play Station while Obito and Itachi talked.

Obito and Itachi

"So what did you want to tell me Obito?" Asked Itachi

"Me and (name) had sex!!~" Obito smiles

"You did WHAT!!!!???" His eyes widen

"Ya I know I scored big time and for our one week of dating I'm gonna get her something but I need you to help me pick out a gift!" Obito smiles

"Sure I'd like to help you Obito! And before I forget what's the plan for Sasuke birthday? it's coming in two weeks." Asked Itachi

"Well... we could go on a Uchiha camping journey. Me, (name), Madara, you, and Sasuke. We can go out for two weeks and just have a Uchiha family time and besides we need a break." Replied Obito

Itachi sighed and thought about it. To him it sounded like a good idea but what if he has to go on a mission? He could call in sick but that's lying.

"I'll think about it Obito but that does sound like a really good idea. I don't know if we should bring Madara though you know he has a thing for (name) and you two may fight." Itachi rolled his eyes

"Nah (name) knows better. She thinks he's creepy by his face and he is well... over 109 years old but he looks like he's in his twenties!" Obito pouts

You and Sasuke

"IM GONNA BEAT YOU!!!!(Name)" yells Sasuke

"Ha! As if" you laugh

You and Sasuke are playing Mario Kart and so far your in first place but Sasuke is catching up to you.

"HAHAHA I WIN SUCKER!!" Sasuke yells

"You may have won this round but I'm still in first place" you stick out your tongue

So far your still in first place and Sasuke is in third place of Mario Kart you wonder what Itachi and Obito are talking about. You ignore the thought of checking up on him so you keep playing with Sasuke.

"(Name) I'm hungry wanna go get some ice cream in town?" Sasuke asked

"Sure just let me text Obito about it."

You text Obito that you're going into town with Sasuke to go get some ice cream.

In town

You and Sasuke got a large ice cream cone Sasuke got chocolate and you got swirl. You enjoy the cream in your mouth. Then someone taps your shoulder and you were surprised to see who it was.

So how is this chapter SOMEONE PLZ COMMENT ON MY STORIES!!!!

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