Baby Shower! And a shocking scene!

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Two weeks later now it's been two months that you got pregnant. The Uchiha family are throwing you a baby shower well because they love you like a family. It's noon they set up the party into the Uchiha restaurant and with a pool party. Most of the guests where Uchiha members and you didn't have your family. They were killed by the nine tails when Madara at the time was a villain.

The cake was a chocolate with white topping. The main course of the meal is salad with taco in a bag! Everyone came to the party that everyone put their hearts into the work and the food.

"I'd like to thank everyone that came to this baby shower!" Said Madara

Everyone clapped

"Now this women is amazing and is pregnant with my nephew's baby we are honored to have her in our family and her name is (name)" smiled Madara

"YAY (NAME)!!!!" Yelled Naruto

"Naruto not so loud!" Said Hinata

Everyone clapped and you blushed as you and Obito came out onto the stage

"Thank you all for coming!" You say

"This is my girlfriend (name) even though we may be young but I'm gonna be the best father that I can be and..."

He gets down on one knee and everyone is shocked what happens next heck even the Uchiha didn't expect this!

"(First name) (last name) will you make me the happiest man and be my wife?" Obito has a good ring with diamonds all round it!

"Oh Obito... YES!!!" You cried

Everyone claps and cheers while you and Obito kiss on the lips

"My little sister is growing up!" Cries Itachi

"Big sis congrats!" He tries not to cry

Madara, Itachi, Sasuke, Shisui and Obito all group hug you and you cry.

"I love you all!!" You say

Everyone separates and Obito has one thing to say

"From this day forth I promise to be a good father and a loyal husband!" Said Obito as he opens a wine bottle.

Everyone drinks and is bouncing off the walls. You however didn't drink cause you didn't want to hurt your child that's due for awhile.

"(Name) congratulations on having a baby and a future wife!" Smiled Hinata

"Thank you Hinata your the best!" You say

Obito came in drunk of course

"H~hey my s~sexy w~wife~" he said

"Obito you're drunk lets sit you down!" You say has you make him sit down

"L~let's do it r~right now!" He smirk

He pulls down you shirt exposing you boobs as you slap his ands and cover up.

"Obito!!" Your face was really red

"They're s~so HUGE!!!" He blushes

"Shall we take him home?" Asked Hinata

"Ya I'll go get Madara!" You say

You left to find Madara even though he was drunk

"Madara!?" You say

"Ya~" he said

"You're drunk to!?" You face palmed

"I a~always liked you (name)" he gets up and lifts your chin to his face

"Madara no I love Obito and you know that!" You say as you back up

Madara then grabs you and kisses you hard. You try to break free but he's to strong for you then he moves towards you neck and he bites your neck.

"Madara NO!!" You punch him in the gut

He leans over and groans in pain. You then leave back to Hinata and you weren't gonna tell anyone.

"So did you find Madara?" Hinata asked

"Ya but he's drunk too..." you sighed

Hours as gone by the people that were sober took some people home safely. You waited for Obito while Itachi brought him out.

"Thank you Itachi for the help!" You say

You and Itachi stick him in the back

"No problem" Itachi smiled

You and Itachi drive back to your house

"Hey by the way me and Obito are going on a mission soon..." he said

"Do you know how long you're gonna be gone?" You asked

"Honestly I don't know but I'll let you know..." He looked at you

Ten minutes has gone by Obito puked in his bucket while you and Itachi got him out of the truck. Itachi helped you take him into your bedroom and he left.

"Night (name)" said Itachi

"Night Itachi!" You as as you get in bed


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