The Arrival

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Scarlet's side part one
She wondered endlessly but she became even more lost. There she was lost in a city she had called her home more than 22 years ago.

She never quite recalled why she left the city but she knew the events that changed her life almost 10 years after. She had lived in a orphanage from birth until the age of 7, or so she believed this to be the truth. What she did not know is that today was going to be the start of a new life.

Crash... a mysterious man had crashed into the back of her and Scarlet had fallen to the ground. But the man was not mysterious at all he apologised with nobility and addressed his actions in full. She remembered his face as if a dream but couldn't remember his name.

But before she could dare to guess he spoke with an open mind " Elijah Mikaelson may I ask your name ". From that phrase she saw a flash from the past, a past that was all but lost. With that he held out a hand and reached to bring Scarlet to her feet. Though she remembered what he was and so replied in a soft controlled manner " Lily, my name is Lily". It was a lie of course but Lily was a name given to her by her aunt when she adopted her.

" let me help you," he said in a confused manner " you're not from around here are you." Obviously he was correct but what he didn't recall is that Lily was not here real name and yet she lived here till the age of 7.

He stood there overlooking her by a couple inches, while adjusting his suit jacket with a single hand. Then he reached to adjust his cuffs...

Elijah should remember her but there was something stopping him. It was like a compulsion to forget but an original can't be compelled, or so he thought...

Elijah's side part one

Elijah was broken, he felt as if his heart had been torn from his chest and handed to him on a silver platter. He was truly broken.

Hayley had broken him with 4 words "Hope needs her father". No matter how she said it it had broken him. Her decision to choose Klaus over Elijah had ruined any chances of Elijah regaining his relationship with Hayley.

Hayley knew what she had done but it was true she had to make things work with Klaus for the sake of Hope.

Elijah wondered aimlessly into the streets of New Orleans, to find a slightly recognisable face. But he remembered nothing about her. He had lost all sense of space and... Crash... He had knocked the mysterious woman over. He apologised endlessly until finally he reach to help her up, with that he said "Elijah Mikaelson, may I ask your name?" Then she replied "Lily, my name is Lily" He recognised the face but yet he didn't imagine the name, was she telling the truth or was he thinking
of someone else...

"Let me help you" he said , with that she took his hand and came to her feet. He had to say something or ask a question so he said "You're not from around here are you"

Elijah felt like he was in a very difficult situation and then realised his bottom button of his suit was undone. So with one hand he buttoned up the jacket. But still something felt out of place, then he looked at his cuffs and decided to adjust the position of the cuff.

She spoke softly with words pronounced ever so elegantly "I believe I know your sister,Freya". "So you're the girl who helped my sister, thanks to you I am free to see my family as much as I please. With a quick readjustment Elijah disappeared into the streets of New Orleans.

Scarlet's side part two

Later that night Scarlet stood outside the place of which she once called home but walked away before she even realised the importance of the building.

Scarlet was yet again lost, she was lost in her own mind. She had no recollection of the city yet found herself knowing the streets like the back of her hand. Mr Mikaelson had somehow jogged her memory. But he didn't stick around long enough for her to remember why she was drawn to the city.

A car pulled up beside her and two large framed men stepped out. No weapon of any kind, at that point they rolled up their sleeves and cracked their knuckles. Scarlet was frozen with terror she was bound to be killed. Suddenly four figures appeared in front of her. Each of them carried themselves with a slight elegance.

Yet only one turned around, It was him, Elijah. He had come to save her, or so he tried. Only moments after identifying one of the figures as Elijah a tall man came behind her and rendered Scarlet unconscious...

Scarlet felt the warm hands of Elijah as he carefully picked her up to carry her to the French Quarter... Her knight in shining armour had come to her rescue?

Elijah's side part two

Elijah Mikaelson, the noble stag, had fallen for the new woman in town. Was it possible, was Elijah to be happy? He couldn't shake the feeling that he knew the woman once upon a time. Yet she was like a dream, an angel in a fallen city. He was determined to know her!

Hayley entered the room then at that moment Elijah left. He had nothing to say to Hayley and therefore she was wasting her time.

Hayley was confused, why was Elijah so distant? Hayley believed her choice was reasonable and Elijah agreed to respect her choice. But Elijah was far from happy with Hayley's decision.

Klaus entered the balcony where Elijah stood taking in the air of the city he's only just returned to. Klaus stared wildly at Elijah's posture, he was more slouched than he's usual stance. Elijah was concerned, why was Klaus standing behind him?

"Elijah there's a couple of Marcel's rogue vampires going after a young woman." Stated Klaus "Rebeka, Kol and I are going to bring them back to the French Quarter, Would you like to join us brother?".

Elijah nodded and made his way to the door, "Go on then, what's the young woman's name?" he replied curious as to whom Klaus was referring to."Lily, I believe her name is Lily, do you know her?" Klaus answered in a confused manner, why would Elijah ask the name of a human woman. Klaus later forgot and they all made their way into the centre of New Orleans.

As they made their way through the centre of the town ,Elijah noticed the angelic looking woman and made his way steadily towards her...Slam... the door of a black van had slammed shut and the two rogue vampires had stepped out into the light of the moon. Lily turned to face the men that towered above her...Wosh... Elijah and his siblings had appeared in front of Lily and to his surprise Lily did not recognise the figures that appeared so quickly. Elijah turned to face Lily but suddenly one of the two men had appeared behind Lily. Before Elijah could warn her, the rogue vampire had knocked Lily to the ground.

The other siblings had launched themselves at the two rogue vampires and Elijah grabbed Lily then rushed off to the compound...

" THE ORIGINAL ANGEL " - the originals, elijah mikaelson [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now