Why We Stay

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It's been a week since I tried to leave but Nik stopped me and I'm glad he did. I love Elijah and I'm not going to leave him. There is a saying 'We are what we leave behind but that's why we stay' and that saying is one of the many reasons why I stay.

Elijah's POV
"I love her Niklaus" I yelled but Niklaus did not take into account that what I said was true. But before Klaus could say anything Freya rushed into the room. "Celeste is coming" she said but I was too taken back to reply to her statement. Then out of nowhere a door in the upstairs hallway slammed shut.

Scarlet's POV
I was sitting on the bed that both I and Elijah share but there was a gust of wind that echoed through the room and at that moment the door slammed. And a voice whispered "Oh Darling don't be afraid of a little wind". A figure stepped forward out of the dark shadowed corner of the room. It was a woman, old of soul but young of face. Her soft blond hair attacking the black dress of which she wore.


"I am not here to harm you darling, I need your help, I would like to earn the forgiveness of my children!" She said as she came towards me and I carefully stood and stepped to the opposite side of the now cold room. "Why do you need me, they'll kill you if they found out that you were here." I replied awaiting the response.

"Because my son, loves you and despite my hatred, I see that he is finally happy and he is truly the noble stag"

"I will help you, but not for you but for Elijah. He puts family first always so having a sort of trust in his mother is better than nothing."

"Thank you dear Scarlet, but I came to you only because I know away for you to get out of this." She paused, I was slightly puzzled.

"Pardon" I said but then she swiftly continued.

"With a spell I can take away the prophecy and in doing so I can make Elijah human so you can grow old together, have children and start a family. But you can't have one or the other. One spell two wins." She stopped as I proceed to cry.

"What is the matter dear? I do not believe I said anything out of term?" Esther said in a worrying tone.

"I would not wish this life upon Elijah, to take his immortality and that would detach him from his family" I took a deep breath before continuing. "Elijah would leave and find someone new, because he wishes for a family of his own and I've seen it. I could never give him that." Esther gasped.

"Darling you're human meaning you can bare child, am I right?" She said slightly startled by my last statement. But I shock my head.

"I cannot bare child and although I long to live a normal life, I could never. Around 12 years ago they took away my ability to remember what had happened to me, when I was a child and that same spell took away everyone's memory of me. And in doing so it took away my ability to bare child. The only way I could possibly bare child, would be for the witch that took it away to give it back again. But that witch was killed by wolves 5 years ago. So as much as I would take your offer I could never make Elijah truly happy as a human without this prophecy of death."

Esther nodded and left the room in silence. So the prophecy is true if Esther is back then that means Celeste is coming. I sat on the side of the bed, wishing that what I had just experienced would go away. I love him but this could be the end.

I sat crying on the bed when the door flew open and I turned to see Elijah and Klaus had barged into the room. "What happened? Are you okay? Who was that?" Elijah said rushing to my side after acknowledging that I had been crying. "Our mother was here" Nik bellowed. As the two faced me ,I nodded "Yes but she caused no harm" Klaus was furious, how many times do they have to kill her before she stays dead. Elijah gazed into my eyes as he said " If she caused you no harm, why are you crying?" He was obviously worried but I couldn't tell him so I shook my head "That's just me being silly, it's nothing." Elijah frowned wanting to press for answers but decided against it.

Scarlet was certainly in emotional pain. The trauma was too much but Esther had nothing to do with it.

~Third person~

As Klaus exited the room after a long silence after Scarlet's last comment, Elijah sat behind Scarlet and placed his head in his hands. "Don't worry about me Elijah, Please" Scarlet said knowing full well that Elijah was in fact worried. "How? After everything that you have helped us through, how can you not let me know what's wrong?" He said as he buried his head deeper into his hands. "If you want to know then I will tell you but it isn't easy" Scarlet paused. Elijah turned to face her as she proceeded to walk around the bed to Elijah and knelt down in front of him. Scarlet took his hands in her's and began again.

"When you came to find me in England y-you told me how much pain it had caused you to find me again." Elijah nodded. "And when I turned seventeen, we were together sitting under a tree and you told me how much you adored me. But that day we shared our first kiss, they took us from behind and I never saw you again." Scarlet proceeded to cry. "I thought I had lost you forever" Elijah said wiping away Scarlet's tears.

"But we forgot each other because witches did spells sss-so that they could have the power the prophecy spoke of. They took away my ability to remember, they took away the people's ability to remember me. They took you out of my life, in such away that I would never remember you and you would not remember me." Scarlet paused again this time it was Elijah who was in tears. "But later did I know that they took away my ability to bare child. Esther did not come to hurt me, she came to offer me away out. By taking away the prophecy and turning you human. With the same spell but nobody else knew about my inability to bare child so I refused her offer. As much as I would love to live a normal life with you by my side as we watch each other grow old. I could not bare your child and it would only be us." As Scarlet finished she broke down trying every so hard to hold back all of the tears she has forced herself to withhold. "I adore you, Scarlet, nobody but you and if that's what makes you unhappy then we live our lives together how they are now. So let's start with a lifetime forever."

The two proceeded to cry in each other's arms as they knew they truly belonged together and as the night went on Scarlet began to imagine what would happen to Elijah after her death, seeing how hard Hayley's death had hit him. But the two were happy and the night was in it's last moments as they shared a few passionate scenes.

But what once was a series of closed doors began a series of open windows.

What does this mean?

Remember the red door.

What had seemed like a long time closing the red door actually was finally locked up in that nights turn of events. Because every person Elijah put behind that door, was put there for a reason... to find Scarlet.

We are what we leave behind....
And that is why we stay!

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