Peace of Mind

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"Loving any of us is a death wish,
But we wish it among no one,
But we have lost so many,
And now we have lost Hayley."
Klaus continued as he stood in front of many of the people of New Orleans that they could call allies because of Scarlet.
"Mother of my child,
Creator of peace in the Bayou,
We have come so far in our journey together and I wish nothing but peace. For you my love I wish to see you again one day on the other side.
Thank you"

Hayley was to be buried by the side of Jackson so she could find peace and have Jackson to guide her. She was to be buried in a pure oak casket filled with flowers to guide her through nature. She was to find peace...And so she did. The Hybrid is free...

~Hayley's Peace~

At first there was a light, then there was a room. Her room from the Abattoir. Her home, where she got married, where she fell in love. She made her way out of the room to be welcomed by Jackson but she was no longer in the Abattoir, she was in the Bayou with her deceased pack members and suddenly she turned to see the camper. It was exactly the way it was before the explosions in the Bayou before Hope was born. But she turned every so slightly to she a dozen or so people who looked barely recognisable, then she looked to see in front of them and there stood her mother and father who looked the same as the day she lost them. "Welcome home" they all said in unison.

Then she blinked and they were all gone and she had turned up in the Salvatore boarding house. Where in front of her stood was the good Salvatore, Stefan but Hayley did not know of Stefan's death. Then she turned suddenly as someone approached her touching her shoulder, "Tyler" she yelled, pulling him into a friendly hug. Tyler's passing was one she knew about. "Welcome to Peace!" He said as Stefan joined the hug alongside Jackson and then one by one all of the friends and family she had lost over the years.

"Thank you Scarlet, You brought me to Peace" she whispered but everyone heard her. They smiled and nodded as they left the room one by one. Then room became white again and transformed into a house she imagined living in with Jackson. Jackson sat on the porch reading a book of his choice as Hayley ran up and hugged him as if it was the last time she would be with him. Out of the shadows emerged Cami and Davina, they had also found their way into peace. She was happy and now she had found peace thanks to Scarlet. If there were such things as angels, Scarlet was one of them.

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
I'm following the path God has chosen for me.
I took His hand when I heard him call;
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way;
I've now found peace at the end of day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joys.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss;
Oh yes, these things, I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow
Look for the sunshine of tomorrow.

My life's been full, I savored much;
Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.
Perhaps my time seems all to brief;
Don't lengthen your pain with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and peace to thee,
God wanted me now-He set me free

~A week after the funeral~

Mary came over everyday to make sure Hope was okay and that she got to school on time. But Scarlet couldn't help but blame herself for Hayley's death. With the funeral last week Scarlet decided it was time for her to leave. She could no longer watch Hayley's child grow up without a mother when Scarlet believed that she could've saved Hayley. She knew it would break Elijah's heart but Elijah was hurting so much and for the same reason she could no longer watch the pain.

Scarlet believed that she could have stepped in earlier and Hayley would've been stronger and able to fight back. Or maybe if Scarlet was stronger then she would be the one dead not Hayley, then Hope would still have a mother. So Scarlet packed her bags, she knew no one would notice her gone for awhile seeing as they all took the impact of Hayley's death in their own way, all too busy grieving to notice. She could no longer withhold her promise to Hayley, she could not be a mother to her best friend's child.

And so she left with a letter to Elijah...

" THE ORIGINAL ANGEL " - the originals, elijah mikaelson [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now