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A/N: This may appear to just be fluff...again...but looks can be deceiving. I swear this is important.

On the last day of November, Nate asked Stephanie if she could take him to see Moana because "I've never been to a movie before and I really wanna go, so please Steph?" After asking Matt, Stephanie agreed.

They went to the movie theatre at the mall, and got their tickets, popcorn, and soda, and went into the theatre. Stephanie didn't mind sitting further back (movie theatres are so loud!) and she let Nate sit on her shoulder.

After the movie, Stephanie said she liked it and asked Nate what he thought. He loved it.

They went home and Nate went to his room happily. Stephanie went to help Matt with a theory, but stopped when she heard something.

"The line where the sky meets the sea, it calls me-ee, and no one know-ows how far it go-oes," she heard Nate singing. She glanced at his room. He was dancing around, too. "The wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me-ee, one day I'll know-ow. If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go," he continued.

Stephanie went to find Matt. She put a finger on her lips and pointed to Nate, who was in their room now, dancing around and singing happily. "Everybody on this island has a role on this island, so maybe I can roll with mine. I can lead with pride I can make us strong I'll be satisfied if I play along but the voice inside sings a different song.." Nate had his eyes closed, and didn't notice the humans watching. Matt closed the door to the living room and went to work on his theory.

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