Chapter 18

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So sense today is Harry's birthday I decided to be nice and give you guys a double update today I hope you all enjoy!

P.S. I am starting to picture Ben as Mitchel Musso. (how he looks now)


After me and Louis finish with our little make out session we get up and go our separate way with both of us in a way better mood. I mean who wouldn't like a make out session with a guy as hot as Louis, Wait what am I thinking. I have not thought about a guy this much sense before I was raped. All I thought about then was Ben but that was because I liked him a lot but at that point I was 12 almost 13 but he was 16 and little did I know he felt the same way but his evil sinister side was the side I got not the loving caring side I wanted. After he raped me I got really depressed and started disobeying the gang rules and stuff. I just have never felt feelings toward guys sense, But with Louis I feel like he really does care about me. I'm just scared he will do what Ben did to me and use me until he get's what he wants.

I am disrupted from my thoughts when I hear the door bell go off and I find I'm sitting in the living room alone so I get up and walk over to the door and pull it open, To be greeted by a girl probably not a day over 16.

"Hey I'm Lillian I live across the street and I noticed it looked like you guys were just moving in so I wanted to introduce myself." She says with a dorky smile, She is one of those overly goody two shoes you can see from a mile away.

"Well I'm Alex." I say giving a awkward wave. I have never been good with meeting new people.

"Well I just wanted to say hi and I was wondering if maybe, oh never mind." She says throwing her hands in the air.

"What?" I question.

"Are the only girl living with all six boys?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say playing with my hands while trying to avoid the awkward tension.

"So what is it like." She says curiously.

"What is what like." I question trying to figure out what she is talking about.

"Living with six guys?" She asks.

"Weird I have already lived with two of them and we decided to move in all together and come here so we have not all been together long yet. Hey you want to come in I can introduce you to the guys." I say grabbing her hand leading her in.

"Why I would love to." She say as she follows me to the kitchen where the guys all are.

I walk in the kitchen to see Harry and Niall having an Oreo eating contest with the other guys cheering them on. I can see Lillian checking them out as we walk in. I walk over to were they are and scream at the top of my lungs stopping the contest as the guys look at me like I'm crazy. I quickly grab Lillian's hand so she now stands next to me, I let the guys check her out before I start talking.

"So guys this is Lillian she lives across the street." I say as I smile at her.

"Hi Lillian." Niall says as the rest of the guys whistle and holler while me and Louis roll our eyes and Lillian blushes

"Hey." Lillian responds to Niall with a shy smile and he smirks. Oh I hope Lillian does not get involved with these boys she can do way better then a bunch of gang bangers like me and my guys. But it would be nice to have a girl friend to talk to when I needed to talk, I think I will just go with it for right now and see how things go.

"So Lillian and Alex us guys were going to go, go karting do you wanna come?" Zayn asks.

"Sure!" Me and Lillian say at the same time then look at each other and laugh.

We all pile into all the cars and we are off to the wonderful place that is the go karting place.

"I'm so going to kick your butt Niall just like a did when we went on that date!" I say to Niall to make him feel awkward in front of Lillian. He looks back at me with a smirk.

"Really because I think I won." He says.

"What I thought I won?" I say in a pout.

"Well then we will have to see who wins this time and we will settle it that way." Niall smirks. Well that didn't go how I thought it would.


OMG! new character can't wait to see who Lillian really is and who is really behind the good girl next door!!!

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